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Being Our Best

Have you noticed how the rich get richer? That is, the large, successful dynamic clubs seem to attract more and more dynamic people. What is their secret? They seem to have mastered the key to not only attracting members, but also keeping them. This is a skill we can all develop.

By meeting the needs of members, we motivate them to become part of the program and to want to be there. This in turn attracts new people who want to be there; people really do want to grow and have fun. We can accomplish this task by holding quality club meetings. This includes: timeliness, being well prepared and organized; using creative meeting themes and utilizing educational programs. In addition, having a positive club climate brimming with enthusiasm, support, friendliness, effective evaluations, time for socializing and having fun, makes people want to be a part of the scene.

Submitted by Paula Horwitz, AbleTMB
Blue Ribbon Toastmasters

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