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University of Life

Did you ever think of Toastmasters as a University? I do, to me it is the University of Life since it teaches the two most significant factors for success, communication and leadership. There are no greater keys to personal or professional growth than these skills.

Each club is like a class. It has its leaders, style and personality. As good as any individual club is, remember it is just one of 8,600 clubs. Just as you couldn't take one class and consider it a University education, it is equally as meaningful to partake of the various opportunities "our" university offers. Your club dues make you a member of an International organization entitling you to visit other clubs where you will be welcomed as part of the Toastmaster family. This means while you travel for vacation or business you can meet and mingle with the natives and have a good time while learning. In fact, you don't even have to leave home to visit other clubs — there are numerous clubs close by for you to stop in at. Taking advantage of this opportunity will not only be an enriching experience for you and the club you visit, but also for the other members of your home club.

Twice a year, summer and winter, District 46 (which has 166 clubs) holds training for club officers. Twice a year, fall and spring, the District holds contests. These begin at the club level and go to Area, Division and District. Attendance for these events are mandatory to enhance and enrich the total Toastmaster experience. Here, we have the opportunity to listen to the best of our District, share with others who can offer their perspective to situations we may be struggling with and support the members of our larger community.

For the computer literate, there is a plethora of information and sharing from the four corners of the world. Browse thought the following pages:

Toastmasters International, at:

Region VII (NE coast from Canada to N. VA.) at:

District 46, NYC, LI, Westchester, and Northern NJ at:

Blue Ribbon the gateway to Toastmaster Heaven at:

The newsgroup at: or

July 1 is the beginning of a new Toastmaster year. The District 46 motto this year is "People Building People." What goal have you set for yourself and your growth? If the answer is "none," remember the saying, "if you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?" Better yet, consider the words of long time Toastmaster and Professional Speaker, Bill Hodges, "if you get all you can get out of Toastmasters, you will never get out to Toastmasters."

Written by Paula Horwitz, DTM
Blue Ribbon Toastmasters 2081-46
July 1999

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