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Club or Classroom? Compare the two!

The Toastmaster Learning Environment

The Toastmasters learning experience is unlike any class you have ever taken. The differences may be surprising for a first time guest. However, if you are aware of the unique nature of our "mutually supportive learning environment", you may find that it is just your cup of tea! Above are some key differences between a Toastmasters International "club" and a public speaking "classroom".
Does any of this change your ideas about which environment is best for you? Remember that many people benefit from the structure of a class environment, while others wouldn't exchange the many growth opportunities presented by Toastmasters for anything else. Do what best suits your needs, and remember that when in Rome - or in Toastmasters - do as the others do. Be ready to actively participate: schedule regular speeches, support your fellow members, and fill your assigned roles during the meetings. By taking advantage of the participatory opportunities within the club environment, you'll help to insure that the authentic toastmaster experience is there for the next person who walk in the door!

by Shelia Spencer, CTM District 46 Club 4722
Taken from Midtown Toastmaster's Newsletter March, 1997

The Mission of the Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth. See A Toastmaster's Promise below.

More Toastmaster Information

A Toastmaster's Promise
Joel Furr's Frequently Asked Questions reformatted and updated by Jim Robertson
A Typical Meeting from Grand Rapids
New Member Assistance
Toastmasters International Home Page
Toastmaster Testimonials
Web entry to Toastmasters newsgroup through Remarq.
Blue Ribbon Home Page
