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Basic Manual Speeches I've Given

I created this page to suggest ideas and share some of my experiences. Speaking from personal experience, I have learned you can neither use another person's speech, nor prepare a speech for someone else. This is because the emotions involved are personal and are usually not effective for others. You may feel that some of these speeches are informative in terms of there content, and decide that your own clubs' newsletter could benefit from the inclusion of some of these speeches. Should you so decide, please include the entire speech and I would greatly appreciate receiving a copy of your newsletter. Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or want to share your experiences.

There are two other sets of basic manual speeches that I am aware of on the internet. They are by Brian Jenner of England and a woman using the name Marmalade in Australia. You can access their speeches through my site by going to the "Great Foreign Pages."

Titles, Purpose, Subject and Where Given