Tips for the Ice Breaker
This document is a 3 point plan to make your first
Prepared Speech as easy and relaxed as possible. For
this to occur you should: Read this document while
preparing for your speech. This will provide guidance
and ideas for a professional and entertaining speech
as well as making it an enjoyable experience. Use
this document in conjunction with your Toastmasters
· To introduce you to speaking before an audience
· To help you see what your strengths and weaknesses
are regarding your presentations
· To tell us something about yourself
Try a simple structure for your talk. Usually, there
are 3 parts:
1. Opening - start with an attention-grabbing opening
line or lines
"Well here I am finally doing my ice breaker"
I'm the quiet one who sits at the back and never
volunteers for speeches"
2. Body - pick only 3 or 4 main points to discuss.
You can talk about where you went to school, your
upbringing, a passion, hobby or interest you have,
your career, etc. But try to focus on one area, and
try not to give us too much detailed information.
The best ice-breakers are usually conversational.
Instead of relying on notes, she used a memorized
opening, then talked candidly about her career
experiences, wrapping up with a clever line.
3. Conclusion
This can be a line or lines you've memorized or at
least have a definite idea of your closing line, but
try not to read from notes. Eye-contact and presence
are more important.
4. Notes and Tips:
· Nothing warms an audience more than by showing
pictures (even if they are in your wallet) of your
family or pets and describing what they mean to you.
· The audience can really feel for you if you
mention the dream job for which you were turned down,
or the distrastrous vacation with your best friend
last summer.
· Try to personalize parts as much as possible-Your
job, why you enjoy it and the characters in the office.
This is your ice breaker speech, so the evaluator and
audience are aware this is one of the first times
you've stepped up in front of the club.
By completing your ice breaker speech you'll gain a
brick in the wall of public speaking. The idea
behind Toastmasters is to further your confidence in
public speaking. So with this newfound insight and
confidence, it'll be beneficial to volunteer
to be Table Topics, Toastmaster or 'Speaking Tip of
The Day' for the next meeting, while there's momentum.
It's like a lot of things in life it's not as difficult
as you think!
Compiled by Toastmasters of Miles
Square Road, 6101-46
Printed with permission of Peter Ward,
Immediate Past President and current Vice President
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