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The Common Conversation
By Mistoffelees

Victoria saw Mistoffelees thinking off by himself
she approached the black cat and sat down
When Misto noticed her presents on the shelf,
he smiled, and quetioned her frown

"I've just been thinking" the white cat said
"about how lucky you've got it with magic and all"
she was surprised when he shook his head
"magic is really a big downer's fall!"

"Magic has always done me good
it's a handy thing to have in a jam
But it isn't easy, as you think that it would
sometimes I think it's all a sham!

As far as I know, I'm unique in my kind
From another point of veiw, I'm left alone.
There is no one to teach me the magic line!
Magic is secrets, that so far remain unshown.

So I teach myself, a challenging task
I test spells, and like to zap things
I use 'shy and quiet' as a...hiding mask!
I do spells in secret, after the dinner bell rings"

Vicki smiled at the black cat's rhiming
he cheered her up and brought smiles
His poem seemed to be in perfect timing!
(something she failed at through many trials)

She tried to respond to his tricky game
with an equaly timed come-back
ready with an answer, she hoped would bring fame
in the eyes of one Mistoffelees, the cat in black

"Real life's a burden. For only you that may be so
but have you ever not had the use of your powers?
In real life, you may be a little slow!
with all your tricks,lifes easy!It's daisys and flowers"

Mistoffelees was impressed, this queen was good
in a way she dazzled his mind
Now he had to think twice(that he was willing and could)
His answer had to be well done! Vicki was one of a kind

"That's another thing about the magic deal
it's really boggling my brain
magic is a has it's own feel!
It's enough to drive me insane."

This time Victoria had nothing to say at all
he had beat her this time, by some
she had nothing but aw, for him, and she saw
he was kind. She felt where the aw was from.

Mistoffelees paused before he went on
he thought Victoria had been sweet
she didn't just hate him for beating her pawn
she didn't even want to compete.

Victoria giggled at Misto's very sudden stop
she smiled amd urged him to keep going
Misto nodded and kept at it,but for wrods he had to shop
he tried to keep his true feelings from showing

"I once had a dream that relates to this,
it stared me in a lab
I was expperimenting, with happieness and bliss
It WAS about me....just a dab....

Thats how I feel my magic is,
experements to control others feelings.
Maybe magic really isn't my biz
if I feel this way, with it's dealings!"

Victoria listened, and listened well
she was amazed at how the cat felt
she thought he liked to show off, and tell...
this was not how she thought he delt

"You were blessed" she said finally
"with your dance, voice, AND magic too,
you make people around you all smilie
you, and I know this, know the right thing to do"

Misto loved his magic in any way
he certainly could live with the price
He showed it off, almost everyday!
it's results were nothing but nice

Her caring word made the cat think
"why am I looking for pity?
so the dream was true, but it was ablink
he wondered if he really was so witty."

Victoria could see by the sparkle in his eye
that Misto didn't need any more words
Se looked at the sky, and gave a wondering sigh
trying to figure him out was for the birds!

So they both just stared at the other,
both of them completly charmed
Those feelings they tried their best just to smother,
but with words, they were un-armed

when the two returned to this world
they made an excuse to have to run
both of their minds had taken a world
was this love....or just plain fun?