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`Lonzo the Great

By: Brian



In every society, there are the same type of personalities. There is always on that the ladies go for, but the guys are jealous of; The Rum Tum Tugger, in the Jellicle's case. Second, there is that ever quiet one, with secretive ways, and interesting ideas' Mistoffelees. The major flirt; Bombalurina. The '' one; Jemima. The mischievous one; Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer. The beautiful and graceful one; Victoria. The serious type leader; Munkustrap. And finally, there is that one who is popular. The girls love him, (not as much as Tugger, but they like him none-the-less), nd he's all the guys buds. That would be Alonzo. This is his story as Mr. Popular.


" 'Lonzo! 'Lonzo! 'Lonzo!" a circle of cats formed around the black and white tom. The were all chanting for him.

Alonzo was n an arm wrestle with Munkustrap.

" 'Lonzo! 'Lonzo! 'Lonzo!" the out come was still unclear. One minute, Alonzo needed just two inches, then Munkustrap would be back and better.

Finally, Jemima screamed "do it for me, Big Stuff!"

A smug look appeared on Alonzo's face. Then he did it! Munkustrap's arm fell to the ground, and Alon was victorious.

The cats cheered. Mungojerrie and Mistoffelees exchanged high fives, and Victoria and Jemima did too.

Alonzo jumped up. "YEAH! GO ME!"

He winked at Jemima

Mungon and Misto looked at each other, and grinned.

Alonzo walked off to find a new challenge. He was of course followed by half the trible, hoping to catch a glimpse of his next big stunt,

But it was getting dark. So he turned to face them. He put his arms up, and they were silent. Then he spoke "Ya know, people, I think the show's over for t'night. See ya all tomorrow."

Several of the cats groaned. They all went off in their different directions. Jemima too reid to scamper off, but Alonzo grabbed her arm, and purred "Not you."

Jemima giggled. "Anything you say, 'Lonzy!" Jemima gave him a 'cutsey' kittenish smile, "So, what ya wanna do now?"

Alonzo lookd at the sky. It was dark. It was also dark blue, with little white dots covering it. "how about we call it a night?" he yawned. "I'm sleepy."

So they found a nice empty pillow case, and fell asleep.


Mungojerrie was chattering on to Demeter while she was fixing her hair in a scrap of broken glass.

"'E's just so great! I wish I was as cool as Alonzo!"

"Uh-huh." Demeter mumbled.

"...Then I could really be somthin' special for you! You could be so proud 'o me! You could be like Jemima, and be able to point at me and say 'That's me man!' like Jemima says about Alonzo."


"...even Mistoffelees wishes he could be like 'im! And Mistoffelees is never ashamed of who 'e is!"

Rumpelteazer poked her head out from a sack of flour.

" 'Ey Mungo!...B ya 'ave to agree, Misto would love to becool enough to impress Miss Victoria."

Mungo nodded. "That's true."

Demeter sighed. "What is this? Why is everyone talking about ALonzo? I don't think he's that impressive."

Rumpelteazer shook her head. "Yeah, sure Demeter! You're just jealous o' Jemima! I know you wish you were with Alonzo instead of my brother! I know I would!"

Demeter and Mungo glared at Rumpelteazer.

"She does not!" Mungo stated, flatly.

Rumpelteazer giggled. "Yeah, sure, I believe ya, brother."

Then Rumpelteazer went into a dreamy like trance. "Alonzo is almost as good as Munkustrap. But Munk is brave and strong and cleva, and muscular..."

Mungojerrie rolled his eyes. "Time ta go, sis. You can dream 'bout you' little crush when you ah asleep."

With that, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer left in the direction of Victoria Grove.

Demeter sighed. Glad to be rid of them. Se loved Mungojerrie, but sometimes she thought he was nuts.


The nest morning, Cassandra looked for Alonzo. Her ex-boyfriend had left her for Jemima, and she was still a little mad at him. Even though she felt that she still really liked him, she was also glad she was now free to flirt with whoever she wanted to.

She spotted him asleep on his back in an empty pillow case with that hated little kitten Jemima's head on his stomach. Still asleep at mid-morning, like always.

She tapped him on the shoulder lightly. He opened his eyes. "Wha....+AH4-yawn+AH4- What?"

"we need to talk, Alonzo." Cassandra told him.

"Do we?"

"Alonzo, I still love you."

Alonzo shrugged. "I don't."

"But it's more then that." she pulled him out of the sack, leaving Jemima in. And then pulled him into an up-right position. "Now, I love you more than ever. Oh please do me the favor to love me back!" she tried to kiss him softly, but he pushed her away.

"I'm with Jemima."

"But she's just a kitten! Don't you miss me? Your 'Red Hot Riding Hood'?" She pointed to herself. "I'm all for you! no one has to know, anyway..."

"No. Leave me alone, Cassy." She backed him into a wall.

"Come here, sweety." she ran to him, thinking she would corner him. But just before she got to close, Alonzo moved, and Cassandra slammed into a wall, and was knocked down.

Alonzo chuckled, and lefft her there.

"Jemmy?" he called and when he found her, he kissed her cheek.

to be continued...