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`Lonzo the Great II

By: Brian


When Cassandra woke up, and did not find Alonzo by her side, she almost glowed with anger.

She went out to look for him.

She didn't need to look far. She found him with several other cats following him. Now that he was so popular, she felt like she had to have him back. If that meant killing Jemima, so be it.


Tugger silently watched. Alonzo had stolen all his queens. He turned to the white and brownish kitten and the red cat nest to him. Well not all of them. He grinned. He then continued to watch Alonzo with Victoria, Mistoffelees, and Jemima close behind him.

"Wow Alonzo!" Victoria said watching him with a smile. "Do that again!"

Mistoffelees looked at her, and felt just a bit jealous of Alonzo.

Alonzo grinned at Victoria. "OK!" He did a kid of a half-toe-touch. Victoria and Jemima giggles and clapped.

Alonzo laughed. "I don't understand why you get such a kick out of that!"

Mistoffelees tried to get Victoria's attention. "You know, I can do a real toe touch..." he looked at the sky. "I'm actually really good at them..."

But Victoria wasn't paying any mind, much less listening. She and Jemima were watching Alonzo do an odd handstand.

"Hey, look, Coricopat." A voice said seemingly out of no where. It was Tantomile and her twin brother Coricopat. Both mimicking each others every move, like always.

" 'Ey Alonzo!" Coricopat said. "What are you up to today?"

Alonzo grinned. "Nothin' much! Just hanging around with my girlfriend, and her best friend!"

'He Forgot me...' Mistoffelees thought, but like always, hid his true feelings with a smile.

but as if on cue, Alonzo said "And 'Stoff, of course!"

"I'm not going to get a whole crowd like I did yesterday again, am I?" Alonzo joked.

"Maybe." Exotica purred, as she too appeared out of no where.

"All right, that's it!" Alonzo shouted. "Party at my place!" Everyone cheered. "SPREAD THE WORD! Be there...or be very un-cool.! 7:00!"

Word spread like a wild fire. "Party at 'Lonzo's place!"

When word reached Cassandra, an idea popped in her head. She grinned evilly.


Cassandra headed towards Alonzo's batchler pad. She noticed a half full bottle of antifreeze on her way. She sniffed it. It smelled sweet. She looked inside. It was colorful. She poured it around. It seemed to glow. It would be unresistible for a kitten, and it was one of the more deadly solution for a dog or cat....

The crowds starting to come in. Alonzo, looking his best, greeted the queens and toms as they entered. "Now who's ready to SHWING?!?" he turned to Mungojerrie. "Mr. Mungojerrie? Will you do the honors...?"

Mungojerrie nodded. He set out that little magical black box he had swiped from his owners. He pressed one of the buttons that had a triangle on it, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy blasted through the speakers.

The Jellicles all smiles, and took their partners. Demeter and Mungo impressed everyone with difficult aerials. Alonzo and Jemima also put on a show, and Alonzo leaded the toms in shouting "GO DADDY-O!" what ever that meant.

Tugger and Bombalurina took a slow swing solo in "The Maddest Kind of Love"

Mistoffelees also got the nerve to ask Victoria to dance. Some say they were one of the cutest pairs at the party.

Munkustrap asked Cassandra to dance. This caught her off guard. Surpriedm she nodded, and took his paw.

When the party slowed down for a break, Cassandra felt her heat poundind. She never would believe it of she would have known before, but she was falling out of love with Alonzo and falling in love with Munkustrap. She forgot all about her evil plan.

Mungojerrie, Mistoffelees, and Alonzo were all just standing around.

"Great moves, Mungo. I didn't know you could dance like that." Mistoffelees said casually.

Mungo nodded. "Demeter showed me. I was impressed with you, though! Hey, Misto, you picked up a chick! Finally.."

The toms chuckled.

Mistoffelees blushed. "But honestly, what do I have to offer her?"

Mungojerrie laughed. "You could eat almost anything."

Mistoffelees and Mungojerrie laughed.

"I guess I could!" Mistoffelees said, deciding to not think about that question any more tonight.

Alonzo raised an eyebrow. "Anything, 'Stoff?"

Mistoffelees shrugged. "I guess so."

Alonzo noticed a shiny puddle of something near by. He pointed to it. "You wouldn't eat that."

Mistoffelees nodded. "You're right. I wouldn't."

Alonzo grinned. "I, Alonzo the Great, would!"

Mistoffelees looked concerned. "Um, Alonzo....don't you think that would be....well....un-wise?"

"Not just un-wise!" Mungo exclaimed, "Plain stupid! Idiotic! That's antifreeze!"

But it was too late. Alonzo had already jumped into the puddle. With a mouthful of the stuff, he sputtered "antifreeze?!?!" he back away from the puddle. He had made a big mistake.

"Misto!" Mungojerrie yelled. "Go get your people! Aren't they near he-"

"They're not home tonight!" Mistoffelees whimpered.

"Well get SOMEBODY!"

Mistoffelees ran back to the party, where he yelled, "ALONZO! HE....ANTIFREEZE! BAD! EAT! HURRY!"

Jemima ran to Mistoffelees. "Where?!?!"

Cassandra knew what had happened. "Alonzo.."

Jemima reached the destination just in time to so Alonzo holding his side in pain, and Mungojerrie kneeling over him saying "This is bad, this is bad this is bad.."

Jemima screamed. She ran off towards her owners.

Mungojerrie whimpered. 'She'll never make it!' he thought

Jemima ran as fast as she could.

Several more cats gathered around Alonzo.

"Jemima is that boy's only hope..." Hennyanydots said sadly.

Now Alonzo wished he hadn't had to be such a show off, and act so cool!

Demeter cried on Mungo's shoulders. Cassandra wept, and told Munkustrap what she had done. She wished she were dead. How could she be so selfish? So evil?

Munkustrap calmed her, lovingly, and told her it would be alright.

Victoria sobbed. " 'Lonzy..." she cried.

Mistoffelees could tell she needed someone to cry on. she gave her a hug, and whispered things like "don't you worry, you know how fast Jemima is. She'll be back in no time..." and such.

Bomb was hysterical. "he CAN'T leave! I LIKED him! she ran around grabbing every tom she could find. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?! I'VE NEVER LOST A LOVED ONE BEFORE!"

Alonzo felt awful. He couldn't move, or speak. The pain was intense. His eyes moved among his friends. They all seemed to him to be treating him like he was already dead.

"Unghhhhh..." he choked as the pain ot worse until it was unbearable.

And then...

And then...

The lights went out for the last time, and everything went black.


He felt himself loosing control. He had the sensation of flying through a huge paper bag witha very bright light at the other end. The light was warm and friendly. It didn't hurt his eyes as he flew to it.

As he got closed he saw a smallish figure waiting for him. As he got closer, he saw her face. She was a beautiful angel. But her face seemed sad, like she was biting back tears.

When he landed in front of her, her lip quivered. She couldn't stand it any more. She cried and sobbed. She weeped and balled on his shoulder.

"You're here Alonzo. That means I'll never see you again..."

Cloudy tears filled his eyes thing of Jemima. He closed his eyes, tring to see her face.

When he opened them again, the angel still stood before him. She blurred, and then reformed. It was Jemima standing over him. "Alonzo? Alonzo? Alonzo? Can you hear me? Alonzo?"

"Jemima..." he gulped.

"Alonzo!" she kissed him softly. "You're alive!"

Jemima had returned with her owners right after he passed out. The vet operated on him just in time. For a while, even the vet thought he was dead. Jemima begged to stay with him, and finally was permitted to.

"Alonzo..." she purred.

Alonzo and Jemima cried in joy. Alonzo would never be the stupid again.....or would he?

The End