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Athos & Me

Athos & Me

:-D This is our little family! :-D

Athos Nero Acropolis died on November 16th, 2001 at the age of 16 years.

He Is Gone, But Will Never Be Forgotten

Hello! This is the poet, Calliope Muse and the poet's cat, Athos Nero Acropolis Jensen. the cat however, thinks that Calliope is his Human. Calliop does everything to assure him that this is not the natural order of things, but Athos just looks at her and demands his Brita filtered water and Roast Beef and Turkey. He pouts, nips her ankles, and bites her knees if she doesn't cater to his whims. so, to keep her from getting clawed, she does occasionally bow to him.

For more pictures of Calliope and Athos, please feel free to follow the link to House of Macabre.

House Of Macabre

Disjecta Membra Poetae