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The Prophecies

The prophecies and visions of our Grandfathers are upon us. The Chief of Trees, the Maple, is dying from the top down as we were told would happen. This is from the industrial poisons that rain down in the Northeast. The rivers are running backwards as was foretold. This is from the dams on our rivers, the lifelines for all living things.    The children are leading the parents and they grow up on their own without proper instructions or guidance. They grow up without love from their families, and the families are scattered like ashes in the wind, as we were told would someday come about.    These are just a few of the devastating things reported to the Elders Circle. Our pepole have reported that our Grandfather, the Wind, has continued to increase his force and destruction. Tornadoes have multiplies and visited the four directions now occupied by our white brothers. Etenohan, the Earth we call Mother, has tears running down her face and great floods and rains are everywhere and people are suffering.    The Earth has shaken herself and rumbled in the Four Corners of the Great Turtle Island. The mountains are stirring, smoking and sending their powers over the land and its inhabitants. These are warnings clear and direct. These are the powers the Great Spirit has put here to work in harmony with people through prayer, ceremony and respect in how we live. We have failed and we are being warned.   How did this happen and who is responsible? The forces of the military are once again raising their faces to the powers of creation, the natural world. The judicial system is being used to suppress the spiritual power of the Four Directions. The leaders of some countries have deputized runners of destruction and exploitation. They have been given instructions to find all natural resources and remove them from their ancient habitats and deliver them to the industrial complexes that gird for war. Leaders of industrial nations throughout the world confront each other with ideological dogmas that speak of peace, but mean war. All of this is being done without regard to the consequences that will be visited upon our children.    Our white brother, whose gift from the Creator was invention, has used this gift to unleash the ultimate power of the atom. This was done in the Sacred Mountains of New Mexico, mountains which have held these forces within their protection since we were planted here by the Creator.    Sacred sites are being desecrated and destroyed despite the protest of our spiritual leaders. Poisons have been unleashed upon the land, in the waters and springs that we need for survival. By destroying the sacred mountains and burial sites, man has destroyed the prayer sticks and sacred places that hold the dust of our ancient ones, those put there to work with the Creator for our welfare.    The holders of these objects have now become the experts and they tell the Indian people what they mean without knowledge or respect. They exercise a cultural arrogance they claim was manifest by God to be their destiny. Indian nations have suffered death, destruction, forced removal from the land, and we have witnessed the desecration of our dead. It continues to this day under the guise of education, even going so far to use our own people against us. It is this blindness that is so dangerous. We have failed and we are being warned.    We must heed the warnings being visited upon the earth. We must make the connection between the warnings and the desecration of the earth. The drumbeat of our hearts will cease and we shall have destroyed that which we have sworn to protect. There will be no life or future for our children.    Our elders, who carry the ancient instructions and teachings, stand in a circle praying for the land and life. The ceremonies are sacred and the instructions are sacred. They must be treated with respect and conducted by the proper authorities in the Four Directions.    As long as we hold fast to this, our life will continue and there will be a future for all people. We look to other people in other lands to recognize this and stand with the Circle of Life."                                       Wo Wa Tsa Woegah Nan Keh Wiat                 (Finished with respect for life) Given in peace and love medess