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From Me To You


I would like to know myself
as well as I feel you do.
You have taken my fantasies
and made them all come true.

You may not know my touch,
nor the texture of my skin.
but you have held me in your arms,
time and time again.

To feel your soft caress
would mean more than you could know.
You have opened up my heart.
I have felt our friendship grow.

Though you can not kiss my lips
nor take me by the hand.
You have touched my very soul,
I hope you understand.

Whether this is right or wrong,
these feelings can not be denied.
To reject them now,
there is no point.
I know my love,
because I've tried.

Who cares just why we met.
Let's just be thankful that we have.
For here we are
free to love.
I know I'll not regret,
the time you share with me.


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