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Is It Real

You caught me off guard...
sang me a song.
You made me smile..
my eyes sparkled for awhile.
I barely know you..
you barely know me
We are miles apart yet
I can't get you out of my mind
And you speak the same to me.
What goes on in my mind,
each time I see your picture
beside my bed
leaves me to wonder
What is next?
I feel like a small child,
scared to fall in love
Been burn so bad in the past
this time I want it to last.
Could this time be real,
what I am feeling inside?
Or is it just another storybook dream?
Destiny knows what lies ahead for us
Maybe we should just go
with the flow instead
If this is meant to be......
We will find a way to see
Could this be love I feel?
I am so scared....but please,
Do tell me it is real.
I would love to have you run your
fingers through my hair
Oh, where are you this moment.........
how I long to be there with you.
Just give me the time.......
to make up my mind.
I'd love to have the chance
to have that dance
So don't give up on me yet
because YOU, I can never forget.


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