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Treasure You Forever

"I'll Treasure You Forever"

I'll treasure you forever,
adore you, make you whole.
Fuel the fire within your heart
and love your mortal soul.

I fall deeper and deeper
in love with you
with each passing day,
I hope you will never be sorry
for loving me this way.

My skin still feels your touch.
I long to have you close to me
I love you so very much

Those days, weeks and months ago
I told you how I felt
I prayed that once you knew me
Your heart would begin to melt.

Real life much better than fantasy
Much to our surprise
Our souls bared to each other
through the windows of our eyes.
I held your face in both my hands
trying to convey to you

That I was the very woman
that could love you
through and through.
With each kiss and tender hug
You knew it was not a lie.
Maybe, just maybe if I am lucky,
You will never say Goodbye

You are such a gentle loving man
with the tenderest passion
ever dreamed of.
You have put rainbows
into my rainy days,
and a song within my heart.
YOU are so easy to Love.


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