My friends at Cuzziville, which is the chat room I frequent are the nicest people I have met on the web, here's a list of all my friends:
Catwoman> You are the sister I wish I had growing up girl. I've bonded with you like no other gal in the world and even though your in Texas now, we'll remain best friends forever and always. I love you girl and don't you ever forget it.
BATGIRL> Your a great friend Batty and I'm glad to have made your acquaintance and I hope to meet you and Ron soon in real time.
BABY> Your a great gal and the sister I always wanted, you and I have shared some secrets along the way and I'm proud to say I'm your big sister.
Sharpei> You and I have had some great times together and alot of fun, I hope we continue as good friends always, can't wait to meet you and Batty.
Louisiana Lady> What can I say? are one great gal and a great friend, and your like a sister to me too, you and I have had alot of fun times together and we've shared some hard times together too, please know that I'm always here for you....*hugs*
Stratos D.C.>I know I was the first person you met in the Cuzzi and I'm glad we have become such good friends, you mean the world to me and I treasure our friendship....*hugs*
Lil' Devil> Lori, you've been a great friend and I'm glad we met and I know there are fun times ahead for us.
BradleyX> What can I say, you make my heart sing with joy because of the friendship we have. I have yet to ever become so close to a man as to share with him my secrets and not be judged. Your friendship is something I cherish and shall never betray that trust. Thanks for being in my life and being my friend without wanting anything from me except to be my friend.
TEXAN> You are the sweetest man I've met on the web that hasn't wanted anything but to have some fun, and I have a deep respect for you, thanks for being in my life and being my friend and caring.
TRAINMAN>..."Toot Toot"...I love your personality and the friendship we have, and I love the good time we have together in the cuzzi. Thanks for being part of my life.
And just to mention a few more friends, I'll get around to adding them all in, I know I missed a few and I'm sorry but I'll get you in here, I promise..but here are a few...Thrawn...Sweet Sue aka Thrawns' Queen...Alpine......Dream Machine...OBSESSION...Testerosa...Wanton ...Jman...Bierman...S.Dogg...Zoe...Willows... Ghost Who Walks...Susant...mung...Brunswick...Billy Mike...Hcase *Bubba*...Cuzzigirl...Fantasy Girl...Blindjack...Lady Wynn...Myst...Viper...Darkeyes...Exhale. ..Friendly Black Male...Country Girl...Honey...Tazguy...TammyG...Beckie. ..Deb1...BustaMove2...BustaMove...JDeere Girl...Whisper Dragon...Duece-A...DragonLady aka LiL Brat...Mr. Coffee...