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In Memory of Dad

Harvey W. Adams
11/23/22 - 10/20/99
Photo take while he was in the Navy, stationed in Hawaii during WW2.

It has been a year now since my Father's unexpected passing
and the road has been rough at times.
On the day of his death he had just gotten
a clean bill of health at the doctors.
But aneurisms have a way of happening without
a doctor knowing anything is wrong.
I am so grateful that the Lord
took him quickly without suffering.
For that I will always be thankful.

My Dad was a very loving and caring Father.
He was always there for my 2 brothers and myself
to lend a hand, give moral support
and teach us right from wrong.
He left behind a loving wife, a daughter, 1 son
8 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren.
He is very much missed by all that knew him.
This is my way of saying good bye
as I was not able to get to the hospital
before God called him home.
There were no good-byes at the funeral parlor
as his wishes were to be cremated

This is a picture taken a couple of years ago
after a hard morning of golf.

A picture of a happier time, my son's wedding.

A picture taken at his retirement party at Corning Glass.
Never took his hat off even when indoors

Not a day goes by that You are
not in my thoughts. You are missed so much.



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