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Road Trip

Part Two

By Melody

Michelle’s blood was boiling. As Road Dogg was actually starting to win against Big Show, Michelle was envisioning all the ways to hurt him. Wife? What wife? Come on a trip with me for a year, then I gotta return to my wife. Did I sleep through that conversation? Did he think he could hide it from me?
Michelle was beyond upset. And she let her emotions take over. She entered the coliseum, ignoring the screaming fans that were staring at her wondering what was going on. Road Dogg was standing over Big Show with a chair getting ready to hit him. As he swung the chair over his head, Michelle grabbed it. Road Dogg turned around and gave her a surprised look. “You bastard,” she said as she hit Road Dogg over the head with the chair. She then spit at his feet, turned around, and left the building.
“I don’t know what’s going on King,” Jim Ross said to his co announcer. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it appeared the Road Dogg was about to win his title back. And this strange woman hits him over the head with a chair!”
“This is a hardcore match,” Jerry Lawler laughed back. “Chairs count!”
“And now Big Show covers the Dogg, one, two, three! Still the hardcore champion!”
“Forget about that J.R., find out who that girl was!”
“I don’t know who it was, but Big Show has someone to thank for this title match!”

Michelle made her way out the building when she was stopped by Shane. “Hey, what the hell was that?”
“Look, I’m sorry. I got a little pissed off.”
“Sorry? Don’t be sorry! My dad want’s you in tomorrows show. Maybe an explanation? Work on it with the writers. They loved you out there!”
Michelle gave Shane an I-don’t-believe-this look and continued outside. Only problem was, she was in a new state, had no car, not much money, and no where to go. She sat on the curb out by the parking area in disbelief.
Someone came up behind her and then sat next to her. It was X-Pac. “So what’s going on?”
“You already know what’s going on. You and the rest of the phony’s in there that didn’t have the balls to tell me. Including Brian.”
“Tell you what?”
“About Brian’s wife?”
X-Pac shook his head. “We figured you knew.”
“You actually take me as that kind of person? That I would still be with him knowing he has a wife? God I can’t believe you.”
“Hold on sister, you got some misinformation. Let me guess, Mr. Ass himself?”
Michelle looked at him with tears in her eyes. “The one and only.”
X-Pac wiped a tear from her cheek. “I think you need to talk to Brian about this. There’s a lot more to this story you don’t know. Actually not too many people do know. But Brian and his wife have been separated for at least a year now. She filed for divorce last month. He just got the papers two days ago.”
“Yeah, and decides to rebound with me.”
“There’s no rebound. He knew it was over a long time ago. And he accepted that. You gotta understand, this isn’t an easy life. We’re on the road about 300 days a year. Doesn’t leave much time for family life. If you’re family’s not with you, there’s a 90% chance of divorce around here.”
“So you’re saying I just made him lose for no reason?”
“Well, I’m sure he can get the title back tomorrow. And I heard Shane, the crowd loved ya. Go talk to Brian.”
Michelle shook her head. “I can’t. Not after what I did. In front of all those people.”
“Come on, that happens to us everyday. No one ever believes it’s real, why should they start now? So you show up in a few more episodes, it’s all part of the story.”
Brian came walking out and X-Pac stood up. “So I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said to her as he walked over to Brian. “Jess, your buddy opened his mouth about your wife.”
“That’s the reason I gotta huge hill on my skull?”
“Come on, chairs don’t hurt you anymore. Don’t play on my sympathy. I told her what I knew, hope that’s cool.”
“Yeah man, thanks. I shoulda told her before.”
“Hey, I’m no judge. But I hear she’s a real hit with the McMahons...might be your replacement!” X-Pac slapped him on the back before returning inside.
Michelle didn’t look at him as he sat down next to her. “So I guess you know the whole story now.”
She still didn’t look at him.
“Look, I know I should have told you before. But I didn’t think of it. It’s been over for such a long time.”
Michelle ignored him.
“Okay, so I know you’re mad. That mean you’re never gonna look at me again?”
She still kept her silence.
He ran his hand through her hair. “Come on, please look at me.”
He turned her head gently, revealing the tears on her face. “Hey, please don’t cry. I don’t know what to say that can fix this.”
She wiped the tears off her face. “I don’t know either. All I know is this great guy came into my life, uprooted me from a stable environment to a year of the unknown, and failed to mention he received divorce papers the day before yesterday. And stupid me actually started having feelings for him.”
He looked into her eyes. “No one calls my girlfriend stupid. Not even you.” Then he leaned towards her and kissed her gently on the lips.

Michelle and Brian were together the rest of the night. He filled her in on the problems at home. His wife’s deal was that she never saw him, didn’t even know him anymore. Brian tried to work things out, but it’s hard to patch a relationship over the phone and through letters.
Michelle was confused. She still felt like the rebound woman. And knowing that made her emotional walls come back up. She had been hurt several times before, and was not going to do it again. But Brian made that very difficult.
They returned to the hotel room. Brian excused himself to the shower while Michelle waited in the room. She saw the flashing light on the phone and called the front desk. “Yes, there are two messages for you. One is from Vince McMahon, wishes to speak with you when you get a moment. The second one if from Mrs. Armstrong.”
Michelle thanked him and hung up the phone. Some ending marriage, she knows where he is and still calls him. Michelle wrote Brian a note and took off to the McMahons’ suite.
When she entered the room, she realized now how Kings lived. The suite looked more like a mansion, decorated in the finest art and furniture. Shane let her in, and showed her to the couch. “So Michelle,” Vince began, “I’ve heard the reasons for the stunt earlier this evening. And though it wasn’t planned to bring someone in for Road Dogg, now we have no choice.”
“Look Mr. McMahon, I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to go intruding on your show or anything. I understand if you want me to leave.”
“Nah, leaving was never discussed. Although Road Dogg was supposed to win tonight, we can arrange that tomorrow. After tomorrow, we only have some house shows, so we have time to work on a story. We were thinking just another cameo appearance tomorrow night. After Road Dogg wins, we’ll show you standing at the top of the ramp, and Brian realizing your there. He’ll come running to you, say something like “I’m sorry, it’ll never happen again, whatever. Then you can slap him again and leave. We’ll think up next weeks stuff later.”
Michelle thought about it for a moment. “What’s the angle going to be? I mean what’s the reason I’m so mad at him?”
Shane spoke up. “Same as real life. We usually do that once in a while. Brian fools around with you, you find out about the wife, and it’s revealed that Brian was married but fooling around with you.”
“Does Brian know about this?”
“I’m sure he expects it,” Vince said. “We do it to everyone else.”
“I don’t know if he wants his problems exploited like that. I’d feel better knowing that he’s okay with it.”
“We’ll leave it up to you to tell him. Tomorrow night, just come to the stadium with him and report to makeup and wardrobe. We’ll have the actual script sent up tomorrow morning.”
Michelle stood up and shook their hands. So far this trip was very interesting.

Brian paced around the room. “Come on Jess, you’re making me dizzy. At least sit down.”
Brian sat on the couch opposite Sean. “Came out of the shower and there was a note. She said she went to see Vince, and that my wife called.”
“Did they speak?”
“Nah, she checked the messages. I don’t know why she’s calling. Thought it was over.”
“She probably watched the show. At least your kids probably did.”
Brian shook his head. “Damn, forgot to tell Michelle that too. I’m destroying this before it even starts.”
“No your not, she’s still here, right? Sit down with her and tell her everything. She’s come this far Brian, and after only knowing you what, one night? Either she’s crazy, you’re crazy, or it was one of those ‘meant to be’ things. I hear Vince loved her though, will probably use the divorce angle in the show.”
“I figured that. It’s actually the only explanation really for her coming out and bashing my skull in.”
“Go talk to her man. Sitting here ain’t gonna help the situation.”

Brian returned to his hotel room. Michelle was in bed, back towards him. “Michelle, you awake?”
She replied, “yeah” and didn’t turn over.
“So, do you have a minute?”
“I have a whole year, remember?” She turned on the light and sat up. “Vince wants to use the divorce thing in the show.”
“I figured that. No big deal, happens all the time.”
“So did you call your wife back?”
“No. Nothing she has to say makes a difference anymore. Sean thinks she watched the show tonight.”
“Why would someone who’s soon to be your ex watch you on television?”
Brian sat on the bed next to her. “There’s a little more to the story that you don’t know about.”
“What could possibly top the wife?” Michelle asked, then realized her own answer. “This just keeps getting better. How many?”
“Two,” Brian answered. “Four and three.”
Michelle nodded her head. “I see. So they probably watched the show.”
“That’s my guess. Look, I know I did a crazy thing by asking you to come along with me. And I don’t expect you to stay. Hell, don’t really know what we got going here anyway. But I like you. I like being with you. You are the first person in a long time that didn’t expect me to be ‘Road Dogg’. Hell you didn’t even care about that. And now you’re just finding out more about me.”
“Yeah, but Brian come on. Usually when someone goes into a relationship it’s not because of a one night drinking binge. And usually both people know about both people. Wife and kids is a pretty big thing to forget to tell me about. You have to understand my point. You invite me here out of nowhere. And everything goes great for the first day. Now you have two kids and a wife. She sees me on TV and already she called. I must be crazy for agreeing to come with you.”
“Since you’ve been with me, they’ve already agreed to give me a story line. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a story?” He brushed her face with his hand. “And it’s been even longer since I’ve been happy. Please say you’re not mad and that you’ll stay.”
Michelle looked away from him again. “You are this amazing guy that falls out of nowhere and takes me away from all my problems. For a year no less. And I agree! Now I’m trying to decide whether or not to trust you, whether or not to fall in love with you. And the odds are against that because of the last few hours.”
“I realize this is a weird situation. Me and her are over. Been over. I’ve got two kids who see me once a year. This is my life. Traveling, Media, this is it. And I don’t expect anyone to deal with this life. But you volunteered. At least on a trial basis. Do you know what my wife said when I asked her to come? She said there’s no way she was going to be stuck with me on the road that long. And so I got her a house somewhere where she stayed.”
“Couldn’t have been that bad, you have kids...”
“Yeah. I’d come home or be on tour in the area and go to see her. At first it’s like we’re in love all over again. Two hours later we hate each other, didn’t ever know each other really.”
“We don’t know each other Brian.”
“But we can. You’re willing to give me that chance. Michelle, I got two kids I’ve seen maybe three times. They watch me on television just to know me. What kind of life is that?”
“Did you ever think about leaving WWF? To be with your family?”
“This is my family. More to me than she has. Wrestling is in my blood. And it’s all I know. She knew what she was getting into. She just thought she could change me. Make me into what she believed I was. But I couldn’t change.”
“You shouldn’t have to.” Michelle got up and lit a cigarette. “If you really enjoy this, then go with it.”
“I loved her at first, I really did. I guess it was the idea of having someone to come home to. I loved the idea of a family. And I have that, but it’s not the way I thought it would be.”
“So you screwed up. We all do. But are you sure it’s over? Did you call her back?”
“No. I’m sure she’s just calling to find out about you.”
“Are you sure Brian? Do you still love her?”
“No. Not for a long time.”
“Where is she now?”
“Home, in Nashville.”
“Call her. See if she’s okay. She is the mother of your children. You owe her that.”
Michelle left the bedroom area as Brian called his wife. She could hear the raise in his voice as the conversation got heated.
“What’s it to you? You filed for divorce, remember? Where are the kids? Please don’t fight with me in front of, we’ve been over this...yes, she is my girlfriend, okay? You do whatever you want...Fine, see you then.”
Brian came into the living room and walked past Michelle. He went to one of his bags and pulled out a small box. He began setting up a mirror, pulled out a straw and a razor blade, and what looked like to be several grams of cocaine. He put some out on the mirror and began to cut it with the razor. As he formed several lines on the mirror, Michelle walked over to him. “Every minute I learn something new about you.”
Brian completed his work and cut the straw in several places. He then offered her one of the cut straws. “Are you going to criticize me or join me?”

Road Trip Part III
Back to Road Dogg
Back to the Beginning