listed in reverse chronological order
NOVEMBER 5, 1999 - FreeHawk's Queer Pages are undergoing an intensive overhaul. This section is being expanded to include a GLBT announcement board, a news and information resource center, and a regularly-updated collection of works entitled "The Gay Experience." I expect the revamped Queer Pages to be online by DECEMBER 1, 1999.
July 15, 1999 - the HIV/AIDS Information page is being updated to include more links to useful online and real-world resources. The revamped page should be online by DECEMBER 1, 1999.
NOVEMBER 1, 1999 - FreeHawk's Pics & Pans is being expanded to include more photographs. In order to minimize loading time, this calls for the creaiton of separate, themed galleries. This upgrade is going to take a little longer than the rest of the site overhaul. I hope to have it ready by JANUARY 1, 2000.