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JULY 19 - 25, 1999
FreeHawk's Queer Pages




Queer-Front is updated weekly, with new editions available every Sunday. ACTION ALERTS are posted immediately upon receipt.





2nd Soldier Accused in Private's Death

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) -  A second at Fort Campbell soldier has been charged in the death of an Army private whose slaying has drawn the attention of gay-rights groups. 

 Spec. Justin Fisher, 25, was charged with four offenses in the death of PFC. Barry L. Winchell, 21, of Kansas City, Mo.  Private Calvin N. Glover, 18, is already accused of premeditated murder. 

Winchell died July 6, after being attacked in a barracks hallway.

 Fisher has been accused of encouraging Glover to hit Winchell with an undisclosed weapon, acting as acces- sory  after the crime, lying to investigators as well as obstructing the official investigation. 

The Lesbian and Gay Coalition for Justice and the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network have said several people have told them that Winchell was killed because he was thought to be gay. Fort Campbell officials have said they have no evidence that was the motive.

Senate Action on Hate Crimes Act 

The Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 1999  has been included as part of  Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations Bill. This bill has 37 co-sponsors in the US Senate, and will soon be presented for a full vote before the Senate.

See Religious Right-Guard for the AFA Reaction

If you have any News releases for  FreeHawk's Queer Pages,  please Submit.  Be sure to include your name and email address, as well as the source of your  information.

All news releases must be verified prior to publication in FreeHawk's Queer Pages.

Two Charged in Gay Couple's Murder

REDDING, CA (AP) - Two brothers linked to a white supremacist group and suspected
in arsons at three Sacramento synagogues were charged Monday with killing a gay couple.

Benjamin Matthew Williams, 31, and James Tyler Williams, 29, who have been held since July 7 on charges related to the killings, could face the death penalty if convicted.

The Williams brothers are charged with murder with special circumstances, robbery,
burglarizing the couple's residence and stealing their vehicle. Prosecutors consider the
slayings of Winfield Scott Mowder and Gary Matson hate crimes. 

``Murder is the ultimate expression of hate,'' Sheriff Jim Pope said. ``I'm looking forward
to them being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.'' 

The Williamses are also suspects in June fires at three Sacramento-area synagogues that
caused more than $1 million in damage. 

Mowder and Matson were found shot to death July 1 in their bed in their home in Happy
Valley, a rural community near Redding, about 165 miles north of Sacramento. 

The Williams brothers were arrested as they picked up equipment to assemble ammu- nition, police said. The equipment was charged to Matson's credit card, which the brothers had along with his wallet, drivers license and Social Security card. 

One of the brothers was wearing a bulletproof vest, and they were armed with two assault rifles, a shotgun, and 9 mm pistols, police said. 

Authorities found hate literature at one of the brothers' homes, including anti-Semitic
writings and a notebook containing the names of people associated with the Sacramento

Among the materials were handouts from the World Church of the Creator, an Illinois- based white supremacist group. A former member targeted minorities in a Midwestern shooting spree over the Fourth of July weekend, killing two and wounding nine before committing suicide. 

The brothers, who were to be arraigned Tuesday, were held without bail. 

Vatican Nixes Catholic Gay Ministry 

VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican has ordered an American priest and a nun to end their 22-year ministry to gays and lesbians because they refused to condemn homosexuality as intrinsically evil. 

The Rev. Robert Nugent and Sister Jeannine Gramick are barred for life from ministering to gays and lesbians, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said Tuesday. 

It said Nugent and Gramick ``have caused confusion among the Catholic people and have harmed the community of the church.'' 

It called their teachings both ``erroneous and dangerous'' and ordered them to refrain permanently from ``any pastoral work involving homosexual persons.'' 

Pope John Paul II endorsed the congregation's decision in May, it said. 

Nugent and Gramick, who are based in Maryland, have been under investigation by the church for years. They repeatedly have defied Vatican demands to retract their teachings and to publicly condemn ``the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts,'' the congregation said. 

In 1977, they founded the New Ways Ministry, a program that supports reconciliation for homosexuals with the Roman Catholic Church. 

The church ordered them in 1984 to break with their ministry, based in Washington, D.C.  They were also told that any pastoral work with homosexuals must include ``the church's teaching regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts.'' 

>Nugent and Gramick persisted with their message, publishing ``Building Bridges: Gay and Lesbian Reality and the Catholic Church'' in 1992 and ``Voices of Hope: A Collection of Positive Catholic Writings on Gay and Lesbian Issues'' in 1995. 

Their case was turned over to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1995. 

In its statement, the congregation said a number of U.S. bishops had complained about Nugent and Gramick

While the church teaches that homosexual acts are evil, it also says that homosexuals should be treated with ``respect, compassion and sensitivity. 



There is already a multitude of resources for news relevant to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered concerns.  Rather than post actual news articles (and possibly add to the confusion) FreeHawk's Queer Pages instead offers links to sites where comprehensive and up-to-date news is regularly posted.
The Advocate
Central New York Gay Infobase
Empire State Pride Agenda
E-The People
Gay & Lesbian Bank
Gay Today
I.H.A.V.E. Foundation
LAMBDA GLBT Community Svcs
New Sodom
NYC Gay/Lesbian Anti-Violence Proj.
OutSmart Magazine
People for the American Way
Queer Resources Directory
The Religious Right - simplified
The Skeptic Tank
Southern Poverty Law Center
SYOL (Binghamton NY)
Truth Tree's Gay B-Board
Unity Against Violence Project
WiredStrategies B-Board



Remaining alert against the putrid stench of the Radical Religious Right

The following Quote was made by Family Research Council leader (and Presidential Candidate) Gary Bauer while on tour in Alaska:

"I'm deeply offended to see the gay rights movement trying to hijack the civil rights movement,'' Bauer said, drawing fervent amens. "The road to Selma was not supposed to be the road to

American Family Association
Center for Law & Policy
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803

Stephen M. Crampton
Chief Counsel

Hate Crimes -- An Idea Whose Time Should Never Come 

In March, 1999, in response to the uproar over the murder of Matthew Shepard, a homosexual, Ted Kennedy in the U.S. Senate and John Conyers in the House of Representatives introduced the "Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 1999." This proposed federal law is aimed at acts of violence motivated by, among others, "the actual or perceived . . . sexual orientation . . . of the victim." Mr. Kennedy’s bill is co- sponsored by 37 Senators; Mr. Conyers’ bill is cosponsored by 181
Congressmen. The bill thus stands a good chance of passage and constitutes a serious threat to the longstanding principle of American law that local crime should be addressed by the states and cities
rather than the federal government. For this reason as well as others set forth below, we urge citizens to contact Congress and express their opposition to this bill. 

I. The Hate Crimes Act is a Centerpiece of the Homosexual Agenda

The driving force behind the Hate Crimes Act is the homosexual lobby. The Act is an indirect effort to force recognition of homosexuals as a protected class in America, a goal that has been thwarted time and again when presented directly, such as through the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) or state initiatives that would bestow minority class status on homosexuals. Passage of the
Hate Crimes Act would create at least two classes of citizens: homosexuals and those other groups identified under the Act as deserving of a higher degree of protection, and the rest of us. It would
politicize law enforcement, making police officers more deferential to homosexuals and even subjecting them to sensitivity training on the homosexual agenda, all at taxpayer expense. 

In addition, passage of the Hate Crimes Act would serve to facilitate other pro-homosexual legislation by desensitizing Americans to the term "sexual orientation" and lulling gullible citizens to accept special rights for homosexuals. In effect, the Hate Crimes Act is the trail blazer for a host of federal laws that will follow in the path cut by this Act. If we fail to rise up and defeat this legislation, we have little hope of prevailing in the battles against homosexual marriage, homosexual child adoption, so-called animus-based discrimination, and so on.


This antigay site appeared on the Web recently.  Rather than promote hits to their site (although the link is included), here's the heart of the bigoted commentary.

The Ten Reasons. There are at least ten logical reasons why the "gay rights" movement in general
and homosexual activities in particular present extreme dangers to individual and societal health and
freedom. These are listed below and are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs.


The "gay rights" movement is a distinct danger to public health
The "gay rights" movement is predatory in nature
The "gay rights" movement is coercive in nature
The "gay rights" movement disregards the rights of others
The "gay rights" movement is violent in nature
The "gay rights" movement enables addictive behavior to continue
The "gay rights" movement degrades society
Homosexuals are not a legal minority.
The "gay rights" movement is superfluous
The "gay rights" movement is unbiblical and, indeed, actually antithetical to Christianity
Introduction. At first glance, it may seem that Americans should be on the side of "homosexual
equality," but we must look deeper into the homosexual agenda in order to find that homosexual
activists are not just agitating for equality; they have that already under the laws of our country. The
militant homosexual demands a superior position in our society.

It is essential that all Children Rights activists oppose the so-called "gay rights" movement, because it
not only presents a clear threat to public health and safety, it will ruthlessly crush even those who
oppose its immorality in good faith.

The following paragraphs briefly describe the primary threats that the "gay rights" movement poses.

(1) "Gay Rights" Endanger Public Health. From a practical standpoint, anyone who is concerned
with public or individual health must oppose any activity that significantly and adversely affects the
health of a large group of people.

Perhaps the greatest physical threat posed by the homosexual movement is the fact that it is the most
efficient transmitter of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) known to humanity.

The primary objective of the "gay rights" movement is, quite simply, to allow promiscuous
homosexuals to do whatever they please without legal or moral restraint. Even more significantly, if
the "gay rights" movement attains its goal of public acceptance, many more people will be pulled into
this lifestyle.

Even if there were no moral implications whatever connected to homosexual activities (as "gay rights"
activists claim), we must oppose the homosexual agenda.

We must oppose it because entering the promiscuous homosexual lifestyle shortens a person's life by
an average of an incredible 32 years! This conclusion, based upon the examination of obituaries in
the nation's largest homosexual newspaper. Compare this 32-year shortening of life to other
hazardous behavior; heavy drinkers lose an average of 11 years from their lives; heavy
(two-pack-a-day) smokers lose 9 years; and illegal hard-drug users lose an average of 14 years.

Additionally, homosexuals are commonly crippled by a variety of venereal diseases and parasitic
infestations, most of which can be easily transmitted by sexual activity. According to the April 1987
British Journal of Sexual Medicine, while promiscuous homosexuals comprise only about two
percent of the population, they account for one-half of all syphilis and gonorrhea cases, and nearly
two-thirds of all AIDS cases. One in five homosexuals suffers from herpes, and they have ten times
the rate of Hepatitis B infection that the general population does. They also suffer incredibly high
rates of infection from cytomegalovirus, amoebic bowel disease, and a cluster of infections
collectively referred to as "gay bowel syndrome."

The average promiscuous homosexual suffers from two to four different venereal diseases

To encourage this lifestyle in any way is illogical from a public health standpoint.

(2) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Predatory. The most pitiful victims of the "gay rights" pioneers are
young and defenseless boys.

There exist at least a half-dozen organized pedophile groups with international memberships,
including the Paedophile International Exchange (PIE) and the North American Man-Boy Love
Association (NAMBLA). All of these groups lobby for the total elimination of age-of-consent laws
so they can victimize children legally.

(3) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Coercive. Members of the "gay rights" movement constantly
complain about limitations on their rights, but feel no remorse as they force others to accept their
immoral lifestyle.

More than three hundred "gay rights" laws have been passed in the United States from the national to
the local levels. Those churches that sat on the sidelines and watched (in order to be "tolerant" and
"nonjudgmental") are finding out to their shock that the laws that they refused to oppose are now
being used as powerful weapons against them. They now realize that they should have defended
themselves earlier, because they are now being forced to defend themselves when the laws are in
place and they are at a much greater disadvantage.

Churches are being forced to hire and protect homosexuals. People are being forced to rent to
homosexuals, even if they can show that they are destructive to property. Homosexuals can commit
almost any act of violence against `straights,' but `hate crime' bills insure that any resistance to
homosexual violence is instantly punished by the court system. And any resistance to the "gay rights"
agenda results in blatant terrorism directed against individuals and organizations.

(4) The "Gay Rights" Movement Disregards the Rights of Others. As they complain that they are
being oppressed, homosexual activists violently attack Christians, disrupt church services, and claim
that they may legitimately use any means to achieve their goals - even murder!

Homosexuals have vowed to kill, maim, and murder in their quest for special rights. Any movement
of people that feels that it is exempt from all of the rules that govern the rest of us must be opposed
as a matter of principle, because, if it gains power, it will be absolutely despotic.

Every `homosexual rights' ordinance, law, or executive order passed in this country forces others to
accept homosexuality under pain of severe punishment.

Under "gay rights" laws, homosexuals are established in a superior legal position. Colleges give
preference to homosexuals in legal disputes, housing authorities usually side with homosexuals against
`straights,' and "hate crimes" can only be committed against homosexuals - but never against
heterosexuals. Finally, only `straights' may be subject to "sensitivity" (i.e., brainwashing) sessions -
never homosexuals.

"Gay rights" laws, by their very nature, are discriminatory and give one group legal protection that
other groups do not enjoy, and this protection is based solely on the preferred group's behavior.
Such laws can only cause resentment and backlash and create a proliferation of case law that itself
leads to judicial and legal logjams, conflicts, and confusion.

(5) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Violent. When a group of people is given a blank check to
engage in any activity they please with impunity, their lack of self-discipline inevitably spreads from
sexual misconduct to total disregard for all of the rules of life.

Crime statistics show that promiscuous homosexuals as a class are the most violent group of
individuals in the nation. Eight of the ten worst serial killers in our country's history were active
homosexuals. And homosexuals commit more than four times as many violent crimes in general than
the rest of the population.

Incredibly, promiscuous homosexuals are more than 50 times more likely to meet a violent death
than are normal people, and the homosexual `lifestyle' has been shown to cost a person an average
of 30 years of life.

(6) Homosexual Behavior Is Addictive. Homosexuals literally become addicted to their strange
sexual lifestyle. By legitimizing such behavior, the "gay rights" movement is enabling individuals to
become more and more immersed in the homosexual lifestyle, to the lasting detriment of both
themselves and society. Homosexuals also suffer from a rate of alcohol and drug abuse three times
greater than that of the normal population.

(7) The "Gay Rights" Movement Degrades Society. For years, homosexuals have been demanding
the redefinition of the family to include same-sex marriages and, indeed, any number of persons of
any sex.

To elevate homosexuals who happen to be living together to the same status enjoyed by the family is
to degrade and even ridicule the status of the traditional family unit. To place homosexual marriages
on the same moral and financial footing as traditional marriages will adversely impact society in a
profound manner, because when evil is officially placed on the same level as good, eventually society
in general actually loses the capability of distinguishing between good and evil.

The implications of such a process are obvious.

(8) Homosexuals are Not a Legal Minority. All minorities that have achieved protection under the
law are defined by race, gender, and national origin - not by their behavior. To give a group special
protection just because it acts differently from other groups is ridiculous on its face. Since laws
operate on precedents, this will legally throw open the doors for any group, no matter how
dangerous or perverted, to claim civil rights protection.

This type of legal end-run has already been tried by organized pedophiles like the Rene Guyon
Society and the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); by organized prostitutes
under the banner of Cast Off Your Tired Old Ethics (COYOTE) and Johns and Call Girls United
Against Repression (JACQUAR); and, of course, by pornographers, including the purveyors of
`kiddie porn.'

(9) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Superfluous. Homosexuals earn more, travel more, are more
highly educated, and own more material goods than any other subgroup of the general population.
The "gay rights" movement does not really aim to free homosexuals from oppression, because they
are already free - the objective of the movement is to give homosexuality and homosexual acts an
exalted and special place in society.

(10) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Opposed to the Will of God. The Metropolitan Community
Church (formerly named the "Sodomy Church,") the Unitarian Universalists, and many other
ultraliberal churches claim that homosexuality is compatible with a good spiritual Christian or Jewish
life. However, both the Bible and the Talmud explicitly condemn homosexual acts.

The Bible clearly condemns homosexuality as a "hateful thing," and uses Sodom and the sodomites
as a standard of evil against which all sinful activities are compared.

Anyone who says that Jesus and the Bible did not condemn homosexual activity is either completely
ignorant - or lying.

As far as the Jewish faith is concerned, it is first and foremost based upon a body of Commandments
that include the seven Noahide Laws and a total of 613 parochial commandments. These laws, just
as our Constitution is supposed to be, are interpreted (but not changed) by a vast body of rabbinic
opinions and case law referred to as Halakhah (the Talmud), which is based upon divine revelation.

The difference between the two sets of commandments is quite clear. The seven Noahide Laws are
universal, in that they apply to everyone, Jew and Gentile. The Noahide Laws are as follows;

Thou shalt not engage in idol worship.
Thou shalt not blaspheme God.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not engage in incestuous, adulterous, or homosexual relations, nor commit the act of rape.

Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws.
Thou shalt not be cruel to animals.
Although Modernist Christians and Jews have warped their original faith teachings beyond
recognition to suit their own selfish purposes, those who faithfully adhere to the correct and original
teachings will recognize that homosexual activity is one of the greatest evils in existence and must be

The homosexual rights movement categorically rejects any and all limitations on its behavior. It is
virulently anti-Christian and rejects self-discipline, love of others, and even love of God. It is not an
exaggeration to say that Christianity and the "gay rights" agenda simply cannot coexist. Either one or
the other must eventually go down to destruction, and, at the rate the homosexuals are advancing in
this country, Christianity will be reduced to rubble within twenty short years.