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Funny Pics

I see....a girl named Sarah....a website called "Hanson's Here".....

*Zac thinking* Whoa! I can see all of Tay's zits from here!!

He must've been in a rush from the bathroom...

And the New York State jackpot numbers are.....

Girl...erm, Taylor power!!!

"I love you Taylor!!"

I can take you, him, and everybody else in this room!

Hmmm...Yeah you were right, no gum.

Erm, no comment!

Fireworks whenever Hanson are around

Taylor! What ARE you doing?!

Oh! How rude Tay! =)

The call of the wild!

You don't wanna mess with this, Zac!

One...two...three...JUMP!!!! YAY!!!!

I would expect this from Zac, but you?!!

More coming soon!

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