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Full Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Age: 13

Birthdate: October 22, 1985

Eye Color: Hazel to Light Brown. I heard that his eyes change color but I don't know if that's true.

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 5'5 (He grew!!)

Fun Fact: He just went through a voice change!

Favorite Game: Laser Tag (Hey, mine too!!)

Instrument: Drums

Hidden Talent: He can talk while he burps (cool!)

Sports: Rollerblading and Basketball

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Food: "I like Twinkies, Pizza, Lasangna......etc.

Favorite Thing To Say: "I love you, man." (Gee, if it's his favorite thing to say, why doesn't he say it to me....)

Personality: I'd say he's wacky. Wacky, wacky.Click here to see just how wacky Zac is!!

Click here to see Zac's pics.

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