There is no order to these common questions:
Q: Who made the image at the enterence of the room?
A: That would be the one and only talented Alan, Alice'a silly Malk.. he plays Gareth Frost
Q: Who picked out what goes in the room? Backround, text on the buttons, etc?
A: Deacon Frost's Player and Alan.
Q: Is this a V:tM room?
A: Yes, sort of. Only certain times stats are required. And even less times for rolls to happen. So don't worry about it. Although VTM should be known.
Q: Is this room connected with the movie BLADE?
A: Yes, it is. Very closely related. The storyline takes place after the movie took place. It has been going on since Aug 1998.
Q: What is a RPG chatroom?
A: This is a Role playing chatroom. Not Roll playing. It is very closely connected to Acting. Everything should be considered, how would the character act irl if they had these powers?
Q: What is vtm?
A: VTM stands for Vampire the Masquerade. It's written by White Wolf Gaming Studios.
Q: What settings are being used?
A: Refer to- The Settings
Q: What is acceptable?
A: Refer to- House of Frost Room Rules
Q: Who are the main characters and/or those that are always here?
A: Deacon Frost, Blas, Nykole Frost, Det. Andy, Shilo Stevenson, Blade, Bryan McPhee, Victoria, Raevynn, Jazara Noir, Nyx, Solar & Robin, Amy(D'arcy), Islefox, and Rancid.(who else?)
Q: What if I have questions?
A: E-mail Deacon Frost's player at or go to the Message Board.
Q: How do I introduce a new character to the story?
A: The best way...Get on Deacon Frost's players good side then ask. Ask on the board. He will want to meet you to see if your good to go to fix into the storyline.
Q: Can we kill?
A: No and yes. No one likes to loose their characters. so respect the players and ask them if they dont mind if their characters die. if they do ask for a fight and plan it out and who will walk away with what injuries. if they say go for all means go for it.
Q: Would if i just want to kill?
A: simple answer...this room isnt for you. try the Vampire Court
Q: Are players thought of here?
A: Player's feelings will be considered in my room
Q: What systems are allowed?
A: Vampire & Werewolf. i dont think the others are compatable. But if you arent out to Kill come on in
Q: What should i do with my OOC long conversations?
A: please keep them in Private. No one that is role playing wants to see that crap
Q: Whats OOC? Whats IC?
A: OOC=Out of Character & IC=In Character
Q: Should i check out the rest of the home page?
A: YES, it will give you a lot of information you need to know in order to role play here
Q: Why am i being ignored?
A: a. We are somewhere else in the settings.
b. You arent liked..and we got this room to get away from jerks like you.
c. not sure if you are role play material or not..keep walking around and show us how you can role play.
d. your just talking ooc.
e. your not a role player
f. there is another reason
Q: Why is Deacon so Mean ooc?
A:a. i dont like you
b. im having a bad day
c. im too ic i get mean ooc
d. i dont want you in here.
e. i got a demented sense of humor and you cant tell the difference between a joke and a mean statement
f. Someone BETTER has come in(blas made me add it)
g. there is another reason
Q: Is this homepage done?
A: Nope, its always growing.
Q: Should i come back to the homepage?
A: yep, i'd say every other week
Q: Is there more questions that will be added?
A: Yep, i just gotta think of them. if you have something drop it onto the board.
Q: Why did House of Frost get a room?
A: We are special and Mike is awesome. All the thanks go out to mike and katt. Most to Mike though
Q: Who got the Message Board?
A: Blas aka Katt was the one with the brilliant idea of the message scroll.
Q: Is there a Mailing List?
A: Yep. you want on contact the monitor of the list Deacon Frost
Q: How is the list played out?
A: Like the members are e-mailing each other