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Mitch's Sheet

Mitch McDragon, British, Baali..Sub-order=?, Devant, rouge, Demon worshipper, gen 7, age 20, 5'7"
str 3, dex 3, sta 4, char 1, mani 2, app 3, per 3, intell 3, wits 2
acting 2, alert 2, ath 2, br 3, dod 3, int 2
melee 3, stealth 2, sur 1, fast draw 1
demonology 3, occult 4
callous 1, inst 3, courage 3
path: Path of the Devil
humanity 4, wp 7, bp 20
Discipline= daimoinon 6, obf 0, presence 0
Merits: clear sighted, iron will, acute hearing, danger sense, apostate
Flaws: phobia=werewolves, dark secret=baali, repulsed by garlic, grip of the damned
DI: eyes of hades, gaseous form, teleportation, razor claws, walk of walls, grim jaws, cause vertigo