Tribute to the Twisted Frolic of Opprobrious Perverts

Copulate my friendly freaks
Burning acidic sex with tentacles
and claws and scales and flesh alike
or unlike do you ask or do I answer
yes look undulating pulsing piles
of slimy wet skin oh beating beneath the
thin layers a heart or hearts of blue
orange amber jaden bronzish colors
You do remember don't you in dreams
in nightmares oh yes they prevail
they thrive survive engulf your very consciousness
crawl with them let their sticky secretions
lividly pain your body orodus camouflage
Obstreperous sex of the mind seduction soul
to harlot soul now this torrid zone and its
sweaty inured writhing cretins creatures
oozing black blood and spit yes they dream they
have quiescent dreams of things but secrets are born
and obfuscated visions may you perchance
be allowed to glimpse these mangled alien desires


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