Reality is a thing of the past

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to find out for yourself.

Alright, I'll finally admit it to the world. . . I'm in love with Keanu Reeves and I have been since "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey." Like many other girls of my age enamoured with the enigmatic one, I used to find all sorts of ways to justify the age difference (a huge gap of 16 years). "Well, when I'm 30 he'll be 46. That's not so bad." or "Rabecka's brother is 20 and he just married a woman 15 years older than him." But now I've come to the reality that it's never gonna happen. So rather than dreaming about our marriage day and night, I just go to see all his films. I had heard of "The Matrix" in an article in the September '97Premiere magazine in which Keanu briefly mentioned the work-in-progress. "It's film noir meets Japanese anime meets the Coen brothers meets Billy Wilder." Since then I've been waiting it's release.

Thomas Anderson (alias Neo) lives a fairly normal life of half businessman half hacker. Then suddenly he is on the run from curiously plain looking men dressed like FBI agents and his only saviors are a voice on a cell phone and a pleather-clad woman called Trinity. She takes him to see Morpheus, hacker #1 and Neo's hero, and he gives Neo the chance to see just what the Matrix really is. Upon accepting this tantilizing offer, Neo is ripped from his own reality and awakens in a new one I like to refer to as "the Real World." Unfortunately, it's got more problems than just 7 people who stop being polite and start getting real. It's got Artificial intelligence and a farmland of energy pods containing people. So Morpheus informs Neo that he is "The One", as in the one to save all these people from their Energizer battery-like fate and that's just what he sets out to do.

Thomas Anderson/Neo - Keanu Reeves
Morpheus - Laurence Fishburne
Trinity - Carrie-Anne Moss (that's right, from "Models Inc.")
Cypher - Joe Pantoliano
Epoch - Julian Arahanga
Mouse - Matt Doran
Switch - Belinda Mcclory
Dozer - Ray Anthony Parker
Tank - Marcus Chong
Oracle - Gloria Foster
Agent Smith - Hugo Weaving (yep, he was a drag queen in "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert")
Agent Brown - Paul Goddard (I)
Agent Jones - Robert Taylor (VII)

Amazing, amazing, amazing movie. I saw it the day before it premiered with a free pass from my college and a hundred or so other film students, which probably added to the atmosphere of fun greatly, but even when I saw it a week later, the fun was still there. This is what a summer film SHOULD be. The first time I saw it, I walked out feeling like I could do anything. My friends and I would slowly, casually stroll moving traffic as if we were invincible.
The dialog was a bit lacking, actually, it was rather cheesy, but luckily there's not much of it. There IS, however, a lot of great special effects and captivating fight sequences. Two scenes in particular: The first, when Morpheus is schooling Neo in the art of a masive beatdown, East Asian style. This scene is the love child of Mortal Kombat and Fred Astaire's dance scene with a broom in "The Royal Wedding." The second scene is the best gunfight scene I've ever been privaleged to witness in my life. Neo and Trinity bust into a government building with a bigger arsenal than all of South Central and a nastier attitude. Overall, 2 hours worth of the best looking entertainment you'll ever get for $7.50.



- Related Links -

The greatest movie site on the net
The official site
Beautiful Matrix site
