Life, the Universe, and Everything

Life:  Many people go about their lives worrying about it's meaning. Why are we here? What is our purpose? But let me ask you this: Why is the human race so obsessed with meaning? Does everything have to have a purpose? Well fret no more because I will TELL you what our purpose is, what the meaning of ALL life is. . . The meaning of life is to ensure that the universe implodes by the end of it's 20 billion year cycle.   [see "The Future of Time"]

The Universe:  The universe is infinite miles long, by infinite miles high, by infinite miles wide. It also encompasses an infinite number of demensions, which are all strung together in a helix, like a never-ending strand of DNA. Current humans, using only 11% of their brain's power, cannot comprehend the vastness of the universe. That's all there is to it.

The Future of the Human Race:  This is actually a collaboration of thoughts from a friend of mine, myself, and the award winning sci-fi author Philip K. Dick. . . You know those aliens that people are always saying they're being abducted by? Small, thin, grayish creatures with bulbous heads and big black eyes? Those are, in fact, humans about 5 million years into our evolution. It's a proven fact that as we evolve, our fingers have been getting thinner and longer, our bodies are becoming thinner, our heads are bulging, and we are loosing our pinky fingers. Our heads will become bigger due to the fact that we will be increasingly using more of our brain's power, making room for all those new wrinkles. Our eyes will become black due to the lack of light in space, in other words, our eyes will be completely made up of our pupils, to allow for more light to be let in, also allowing us to see farther than ever imagined. Our skin will turn gray due to lack of fresh air and sunlight. You see, it is also a proven fact that the sun will burn out within the next billion years or so, turning the Earth into a "lifeless lump of rock" as CNN newscasters so delicately put it. And soon after that, the Milky Way will crash into Andromeda, 'causing most of the planets in both galaxies to be destroyed.

The Future of Time:  Time is cyclic. The univerese will only ever be 20 billion years old. It is created after a series of explosions and implosions caused by it's death 20 billion years later. These explosions are known as "The Big Bang". . . The universe is created, it goes through it's 20 billion years, and, through some freak accident, implodes, starting the cycle all over again. Only, it isn't born AGAIN, it is born the SAME TIME as before. Every action, every event, happens exactly the same, because it is still the time that it happens. Whatever you are doing now, you will always be doing at this time.

The Theory of Invisibility:  For me to explain this, you need a quick lesson in chemistry. The state of a certain matter is dependant on it's temperature and the movement of it's molecules. An object is solid because it's molecules are moving so slowly that it's movement cannot be detected. An object is liquid because it's molecules move in a fluid manner, slower than a gas, but faster than a solid. An object is a gas because it's molecules are moving so fast that they swarm around, floating in space. . . Now absolute zero is the temperature at which an object is so devoid of heat or energy, that it's molecules don't move at all, causing the object to be the most solid an object could possibly be. The OPPOSITE is what I like to call absolute infinity. Absolute infinity is the point where an object's temperature is infinitely high, causing it's molecules to move so fast that they do not occupy a given space for any interval of time. It's molecules are also travelling so fast that they occupy EVERY point in space. Therefore, the object is invisible.

Why Einstein is Wrong:  Einstein said that energy is mass times the speed of light squared, or, that an object can become energy if it is travelling at the speed of light squared. That's crap. And object will NOT become energy, it will just become an object moving extremely fast. Energy cannot be created or detroyed. This is where Gene Rodenbury, creator of the Star Trek series, got the inspiration for warp speed. Using Einstein's theory, warp speed is explained thusly: An object moves so fast that it's molecules occupy every point in space, and when the molecules stop moving, the object becomes solid again. This is impossible because once the molecules begin moving at such a speed, they will slow down and end up floating at whatever point they happen to be at. They will not reconverge to form the object they once did. In fact, they will continue to move until they run into other molecules, causing little sparks of energy, and every bump will slow them down until they hook up with whatever molecule happens to be floating by.

Heaven & Hell:  Heaven and hell do not exist, rather, they are the demensions before and after our own. When a person dies, depending on the amount of potential energy left in their bodies, their remaining energy is taken to the next demension. The more potenial energy, the more of a chance your energy will move to the demension after this one, and vise versa. It IS theoretically possible to travel through demensions using the Theory of Invisibility.

God:  God DOES exist, but it is not the God most humans are thinking of. God is the name given to some object somewhere in the universe. It is pretty much impossible for there NOT to be an object called "God", likewise, it is pretty much impossible for there to not be an object called "." either.

So there you have it. I truly am a supreme being, albeit one of many. Any more questions?


All theories © October 26, 1997.