My mind is glowing



  "My life is a joke. And I'm the punch-line."

-Adam Green

  "It needed to be more like 'Armaggedon'."

-Johnny Vegas

On "The French Connection".

  "Nobody wants to be fat. And nobody wants to be fat on MTV."

-Matt Levy

  "I wouldn't wanna be friends with anyone who pooped their pants. What a dork."

-Vernee Peacock

  "Everybody who isn't me, scares me."

-Bailie Slevin

  "Never underestimate the power of a great ass."

-Ben McCollister

  "Even though I'm East European, I still consider them people."


On Jews.

  "Farting is funny."

-Tad Valk

  "I wanna be a serial killer when I grow up."

-Gabbie DeFino

  "Ya know, they never DO tell you how to get to Sesame Street."

-Kevin Van Blarkem

  "The truth is always stupid."

-Mary-Beth Platt

  "There are little people living in my pants."

-Arleigh Kinchelo

  "All the flavor's in the fat."

-Nat Thomas

On meat and circumcision.

  "I'm so witty I could shoot myself."

-Juliet Verni

  "You're not cool until you start kidnapping babies."

-Chris Zorda

On David Bowie in "Labyrinth".

  "Coolness comes from within."

-Mary-Beth Platt

  "Look for a good move and then, make a better one."

-Julius Kador

On chess (or life?).

  "Bread is bread and an essay is an essay."


  "Oh please, your brain couldn't even STAND next to mine."

-Ryan Funck

  "You won't be happy when my volatile nuts explode all over your face."

-Billy Mead

Making good use of the vocabulary word "volatile".

  "I am 92 pounds of solid WOMAN"

-Gabbie DeFino

  "If it's not one thing, it's your mother."

-André Braugher, "Homicide"


Meanwhile, back at the ranch. . .