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My Poetry

everyone Whispers at death...
The sudden Creeping soul
to take Responsibility for action.
designers for life
create battle with pride.
We look for quality and Value
in an arriving problem
Before our sense is cold.
So much defense to Protect Something we love.

Ladies and Gentleman
Welcome to the ghetto

Where children find
ways to play
and entertain themselves
throughout the day

Little girls
swing on wires
to see who
can get higher

Where families
Live in broken houses
filled with germs,
bugs and little cute mouses

garbage, here, seems
to pile high
up and up into
the dark smug filled sky.

The people sleep
Heads to their pillows
Eyes closed

Sleeping and dreaming
Throughout the long starry night
Around seven or eight
Rich smells will
Rise from the bakeries
Yonder the steeple

Night turns to day
If the people wake
Girls and boys plays
High beyond the mountains
Throughout the long, light day

When I was on my way home
From Christmas shopping,
I noticed that the grass was black,
The water was pink and the sky was green.
These were not the strangest things.
I saw that damned Purple People Eater again.

You have a dentist appointment
and you have to pick up the kids.
Don't be mad
There's a hole in the floor and you can see downstairs

I love you
Do the laundry, dishes and vaccum
And always remember, there is a Santa Claus

The War of the Stars
Welcomes you to Heckler's Anonymous
Decorating has begun for the walk in the clouds
Music grows in many ways to obscure reality
The lights in the park are gloomy over failure
Police deny discrimination as they soldier together
You never thought of selling you recipe to the Pentagon?
Turn off the lights and close shop.

My fingers find my soul
Pushing slowly and softly in
One seeks the heartache-
the loss
The other-the love-
the joy.
The rest seek the unknown
And as my soul feels
The coming of the joy-
It screams out silently-
The screams silent for eternity
The joy held within
Because no one understands
No one knows

we got rock pizza
we got rap pizza
we got punk pizza
we got ska pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Buddhist pizza
we got Satanic pizza
we got Christian pizza
we got Jewish pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got homosexual pizza
we got black pizza
we got woman pizza
we got Tibetan pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Clinton pizza
we got Livingston pizza
we got oral pizza
we got fornication pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got STD pizza
we got HIV pizza
we got AIDS pizza
we got gonorrhea pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got cult pizza
we got Waco pizza
we got Heaven’s Gate pizza
we got suicide pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got crack pizza
we got pot pizza
we got acid pizza
we got heroin pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got olean pizza
we got dietary pizza
we got veggie pizza
we got fast food pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got fat free pizza
we got cholesterol free pizza
we got sodium free pizza
we got taste free pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got nutra sweet pizza
we got equal pizza
we got sweet n low pizza
we got sugar free pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Gap pizza
we got Old Navy pizza
we got Limited pizza
we got Hot Topic pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Green Peace pizza
we got Amnesty International pizza
we got PETA pizza
we got Save the Whales pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Sadam pizza
we got terrorists pizza
we got Gulf War pizza
we got inspections pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Twin Tower’s pizza
we got Oklahoma City pizza
we got Bosnia pizza
we got Uni Bomber pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza

we got Kim pizza
we got Oriana pizza
we got Hamlet pizza
we got Hitler pizza

but we ain’t got no plain pizza!!!

Insanity is like a symphony
So many things to make one-
To make a beautiful harmony
Or to make the mind go numb.
Creating an illusion of elements
To make it feel like madness
Bringing to what one might call
A form of unbalance.

I lost my soul
the other day,
It died
it fell and
it went far
far way.
I felt all
I love slip
away as
I knew
that everything
was wrong
and that nothing
was real
and that love
doesn't exist
except in
some universe
or place that
I have
ceased to want
to reach or
that I can
no longer
reach because
there is
no one there
that would

what is this
terrible silence?
that low humming
and that quiet
snoring is slowly
driving me mad.
Why am I
I'm so damn tired
I should go
and lay down
and let that
low snoring
drive me crazy
until that
numbness comes
right before sleep.
Is that numbness good?
It makes me sleep.

Sometimes I wonder
why people are
so damn stupid.
Does it have something
to do with the
way they were raised?
Or does it go
back to the stupidity
of their parents?
Does it have to do
with the amount
of alcohol the
mother consumed
or how many cigarettes she
Was any of them dropped on their
How many times
did they fall down
the stairs or
off their beds?
Was it that
they were teased
a lot as a child?
Or is it simply
the pressure of
being a teen
in the 90s?

Why am I considered a freak simply
becuase I like different things
that others don't?
I think that just sucks.
Just because I wear black shirts that say
Just because I have shirts that have
vampires and X-Files on them?
Just because I wear baggy jeans and combat boots?
Hey! What the hell about my normal socks?
What about my nail polish that isn't always black?
What about my normal rings and earrings?
So what if my earrings are shrums?
If you don't like the way I look
why don't you sit down and learn
who I am before you judge me for the way I look?

I will wear the black tears
On my ears
That way no one can see

No one will know my fear
Or my jeers
That's the way I want it to be

I will keep the feelings locked inside
Best to hide
Because I want no sympathy

To Whom It May Concern - to the people of the past;
There are several things that you should know.
We are who we want to be; there is no changing us.
We will be the ones to lead you into the new millennium.
We will be the ones that teach the new generation of the past.
We will be the ones to teach you the future.
And we will be the experts of the present.

As we start to look down that long road of life
We will begin to understand the meaning
Of all the words that have long eluded us.
We will be able to tell the difference between
Good and Bad and Wrong and Right.
We will be able to love and hate
And not with a strong over use of the words.

There are so many things that you don't understand
There are reasons that we have so much free will
But we believe that there is no way that you could know
What it is like when you're growing up.
Or maybe you just can't remember.
Can you remember the long nights?
The great parties and the best friends that you made there?
Can you remember being so drunk at those parties
And that best friend holding back your hair as you threw up
All the sins and all the fun of that evening?
I don't think you can. You've lost the ability
To want to remember those things.

There are certain responsibilities that we will,
In no doubt, have. But we want to wait till
We have to have those responsibilities.
Right now, we want to have the time of our lives
And not worry about that things that will mean
So much to us in our futures. Thank you for your time.