Hello, and welcome to my homepage. This page is not updated too often, so I am sure that you will get bored with it. I thought that today would be a good day to update it again:)
Well, now about me . As of right now (3/23/06) I am 26 years old. I grew up on Long Island, in NY (NO this is NOT part of NYC!!) I graduated from a school in upstate New York called SUNY Morrisville
I love romance and guys that are good to me:-) I am very picky with the guys I decide to date, but when there is one that is worth my time and my effort, I will be as faithful, honest and loyal as is possible. When I am with a good man, I will treat him right, and expect for the same in return. I am a good woman, and deserve a good man... perhaps he is out there! :-) If you are, you know who you are. I am currently going through a separation/divorce and luckily not carrying around the baggage that most people would after a break up. I don't hold things against others because of what happened to me.
I listen too all sorts of music from Alternative, to adult contemporary, to R&B, to techno... it all depends on my mood. I am currently working as an office manager with a printing and promotional products company... I like my job for the most part, and I also work on the weekends as a Dive Shop sales girl. I enjoy to SCUBA dive and hope to someday find someone that I can enjoy that with
I learn anything I really want to learn really easily... I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.
I am living in Winter Garden, Florida right now, right by Disney
Now this is my page dedicated to my friends and family, you better all like it cuz it took me forever and a day to do!!
This is a page for My Furry Daughters
My Favorite Sites
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Fun Fun Fun
I hate this website!