how me and Dave got together
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how me and Dave got together

ok, here's the story... I was going out with this little preppy retard named Raf (Raphael). he would like TOTALLY ignore me in school, and he was only nice to me when we were on the phone or alone. so this new guy named Dave comes to our school, but at 1st it was just like "great, another new kid." well, then he and one of my best friends started going out, but after a month they broke up. I was still going out with Raf when Dave told me he liked me. so I was like "whoa wait a sec" and he wrote me REALLY sweet notes and asked me to dump Raf all the time. but, I kept going out with Raf for a while cuz I really liked him even though he treated me like crap. well, then, when me and Raf broke up (on Easter), I was really upset and Dave said he'd beat Raf up for me. so I said ok, and Raf wanted to fight too (some male macho thing or something). So they faught (on school grounds, guys are so dumb sometimes), and Raf got beat up pretty bad. But, they got caught by a teacher, yada yada yada (yes I watch Seinfeld), and they got ISS. so then, the office called me in to talk to them, and I realized how much I liked Dave. so I told him I would go out with him, and that's it!! oh yeah, I left out the other 2 fights, but they weren't really important.

It's been almost 6 months (the 12th is our anniversary) and we're still together!! we break up or have little fights every now and then, but I can never stay mad at him for that long (he's too cute), so we always end up ok... you'll find new stories at my personal soap opera page... it's pretty kewl... see ya l8r!!!

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