Three kids in a truck, 15, 16, and 17 years old. They were going to school from a nearby McDonald's when tragedy struck. The truck, driven by 16 year old Robert (Burto to his friends) M. VanHoltz who had just gottan his liscense, swerved to miss an oncoming car, swerved again to avoid going into a ditch, and slammed into a tree, wrapping itself around it. The driver's side was crushed. Robert died. The other two who were in the truck with him, 15 year old Randy Amidon, and 17 year old Cory Cashin, are still in the hospital. We will never forget Burto's smile, or the way he could always make anybody laugh, even if they were having a bad day. But we will also remember Friday, November 21st, the day we learned that one of the nicest, sweetest, funniest kids in the school had lost his life. We'll never forget you Burto, you'll always be in our hearts.
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hi!! my name is megan, and I'm a 16 year old girl, but I will be 17 on February 5th, in 3 days from today!! I live in a little teeny town in upstate ny, but I won't tell you the name cuz you'd go "huh?? skinny-what??" but if any of u know where Syracuse is, I live about 20 mins south-west of there. I'm a junior at SCS high school, and I'm a cheerleader, well, was anyway, til all the attitudes and bitching got to me and I quit... but I like cheerleading and I guess if the urge hits me, I'll do it again next year, but only because it'll be my senior year and my last chance... I work at the pizza place in my town... it's a deli too, and I'm a deli wench... hehe, which means I make subs and wings and stuff... can't make pizzas, my boss won't let me... I had a car (*sigh*) but I crashed it. I was at an intersection, and I didn't think anyone was coming, so I went, and this big black Ford F150 (brand new, and it belonged to the snottiest kid in town, so I'm kinda glad if anyone's car had to hit me it was his) hit me. Totaled my car. :( I miss my snot green 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cierra. I wrote a song for it. It is here. I'm in ski club again this winter, and let me tell you, this is the best place for skiing... we have winter 9 months of the year, and it snows and snows... I tried snowboarding last year, hehe, it was hard... I had to take my board off and walk down the mountain. but I will try it again. Me and Dave broke up, like 2 months ago. But, we are really good friends. If anyone wants to hear about how me and him got together, or if u wanna hear about our soap opera life together, go here. Oh yeah, and he looks like Leonardo DiCaprio too, so if anyone from the Auburn NY area is looking for a bf, email me!! I love music, and I play 8 instruments. mostly tho I just like to listen to it. my fave song right this second is Never is a Promise by Fiona Apple, but my fave band by far is the Dave Matthews Band (I just got the "Remember Two Things disc)... well, that's about it... :) see ya later!!! have fun!! oh yeah, while u'r here, SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!
Angelfire *ok, so it's not my fave, but a little advertising can't hurt*
Alamak Internet Chat!! *I'm always there, come visit me!!*
Sybercuse, the virtual city of Syracuse *the nearest city to my town*
My favorite place to shop, the Carousel Center
Airwalk!! *great shoes and snowboards*
White Trash Home Page!! *this is sooo funny*
Bert Is EVIL!!!! *a close 2nd to the white trash home page*
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