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Game Demos & Related Info.

(A mix of PC and Mac sites)

Computer Games

Games Indexes

Home Video Games

On Line Games


Role Playing Games


Tips & Cheats

Traditional Games


Computer Games

7th Level
The company site for one of the more imaginative game producers on the market. Home to
the demented "Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time" and "Monty Python and the Holy
Grail" CD-ROMs and other bits of strangeness.

Access Software
A well-designed company site which highlights such games as "Links LS," "Under a Killing
Moon," and "The Pandora Directive." Access' products tend to feature major TV and film
stars in virtual adventures.

Acclaim Nation
Strap yourself in for one of the strangest, coolest sites in the gaming world. You can tag
along with one of four unsavory characters-Ramm, Twitch, Load and Uba-to find out about
company news, games, chat events and more. It's a site worth seeing.

Accolade Products
Company site which offers details about such games as "Hardball 5" and "Necessary
Roughness 96." Accolate focuses on CD-ROM games related to sports and science fiction.

ACT Labs
"Resistance is futile" says this industrial-looking site for ACT Labs games. This highly
interactive site highlights games and also provides the user with contests and a chance to
suggest future products.

Anarchy Entertainment
A dark, heavy metal-like home page makes this site one of the better graphic treats on the
Web. Get info about appropriately dark games like "Dread," "Siege," and "Valhalla."

Blizzard Entertainment News
A news and information site for Blizzard Entertainment. The site gives you a chance to
become a beta tester for upcoming products, learn about their games "Diablo" and
"Starcraft," and get game tips from other players around the Internet.

Bluebyte USA
Find out about Bluebyte's simulation games, such as the highly-anticipated submarine
simulation "Archimedian Dynasty," and the role-playing game "Albion." You can also access
facts about Bluebyte's other products.

Broderbund Entertainment
The entertainment page from the makers of everybody's favorite alternate universe, "Myst."
Find out about the "In the First Degree" games as well as the best-selling "Carmen Sandiego"

Bullfrog Productions
The site for this British company is animated and fun to look at. It also features data about
the company's line of games, including "Dungeon Keeper," "Syndicate Wars," and

Channel Bungie
A positively weird site where Ling Ling the dog leads you on a tour of this company's most
successful games, including "Abuse" and "Marathon: Infinity." You can also get into this
whacked-out site's product line, get tech support, and download goodies, all accompanied
by some of the stranger creatures on the 'Net.

Eidos Interactive
Download demo versions of many of this company's games such as Tomb Raider and access
tips and links to many other gaming related sites. A great looking site for a company that
apparently replaces what used to be Domark Software.

Electronic Arts Online
Known for its attitudinal sports games, EA's site clues you into their other games. You'll find
out all you need to know about their games of political intrigue, racing games, and naval
simulations based on the venerable Jane's warship book series.

Epic Megagames Home Page
This company site features a splashy home page graphic and gievs the user links to many of
Epic's games, including "7th Legion" and "World of Wonders."

An attractive site which features this company's innovative "interactive documentary"
CD-ROMs on such topics as World War II, the space race and the new "The Unexplained."

Game Zone
This site from media giant Viacom features information about some of the hottest movie- and
TV-related games on the market. Titles like "Beavis and Butthead's Virtual Stupidity," "Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine-Harbinger," and "Congo: The Movie-Descent into Zinj" are just part
of what you'll find.

GamePro Online
It takes a little while to load, but this graphically stunning GamePro site is worth the wait.
Enter a game-production laboratory where practically everything, including the people, is
clickable. Find game info, learn company news, check out highlighted products, find out
about special offers, and more.

Interplay Productions
Besides information on the many games this company produces, you can enjoy the Descent
II Level Design Contest, online shopping, product hints, customer support and a lot more.

LucasArts Entertainment Company
What would you expect from the creator of Star Wars? This great-looking site loads like
lightning and gives you links to product spotlights on "X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter" and others, as
well as tech support and the "Rebel Recruitment Center for those looking for a job wielding
the Force.

Mac Play Titles
A simple site, but it gives eager gamers what they need to know: what games are available at
the current time. You can get links to every Mac Play game on CD-ROM, including favorites
like "Alone in the Dark" and "SimCity CD-ROM."

Maxis Home Page
This beautiful site from the producers of the world-beating Sim series offers up the complete
range of company a product information, with a special banner focusing on new products,
like Sim Golf.

MicroProse Home Page
This Spectrum Holobyte site gives the user information links to such games as "Top Gun,"
"Grand Prix 2," "Falcon 4.0," and more. You can also get other product information as well
as company facts.

Microsoft Games
The 500-pound gorilla of software producers puts up a quirky site that asks you to choose
one of three personalities: Annihilator, Sports Fan, or Bit-Head. Once you choose, you
access a killer page that shows you the games that apply to that personality.

Origin Systems
You can learn about games like "Wing Commander IV" and "Ultima," you can search for
information on a company search engine, you can get product demos, all on a classy-looking

PhilipsMedia Games
A site with attitude, featuring games to match. Have fun checking out winners like "Burn
Cycle," "Psycho Pinball," and "Voyeur II." Learn about other new games as well as the
company's other multimedia products.

Psygnosis Online
Besides the company information, game tips and prizes you can find on this site, you get
information about games such as "Lemmings" and "Lemmings 3D."

SCi Games-Take Cover!
The home page for this English company features a downloadable demo for Swiv, a 3D
helicopter game, as well as information about other games such as "Gender Warp" and
"Kingdom o' Magic."

Sierra On-Line
This site, created by one of the leaders in innovative computer games, features a showy
design and plenty of information. Learn about the award-winning King's Quest series, join
the gaming club, enter to win free stuff, and more.

The Slaughterhouse
Definitely a site Damien would have loved, with skulls, flames and the Number of the Beast
passage from Revelations. This site also has links to some cool games and databases of
Internet and Windows applications.

This is Xband!
Ignore the pouty, fishnet-clad woman on the home page and focus on the content of this site.
Find out about Catapult Entertainment's Xband game, who's playing it worldwide, and order
products from the store.

THQ, Inc.
The home site of T-HQ International and Black Pearl Software, this site features links for
Playstation games such as "Toy Story," "Bass Masters," and "Alone in the Dark."

Get information about this company's megahits "The Seventh Guest" and "The Eleventh
Hour" in this beautiful frames-enhanced site. You can also access the Trilobyte Digs, a
mysterious environment of dark doors and secret passages.

Westwood Studios
A quirky home page leads to pages giving you details about some of the industry's most
popular games, including the Kyrandia series, Dune II, and the Monopoly CD-ROM.

Game Indexes

The Adrenaline Vault
A complete game hub site, the Adrenaline Vault gives you a game search engine, game chat
rooms, plug-in downloads, game links and a mailing list for further gaming information.

Best Zips Archive
A shareware center which promotes the use and registration of shareware. This site also
provides information and pricing about a huge range of games on CD-ROM: action games,
sports games, adventure games, etc.

CNET Gamecenter
From one of the leading forces in Webpublishing and news, this game page gives you
everything you need to set up and play games head to head on the Internet for free.
Download the software, learn the rules and arrange for an opponent all online.

CNET Gamecenter What's New
From CNET, this fast-loading site features a roster of new entertainment software.
Download dozens of new games each month for free, check out guides and tips on popular
games like "Quake," and much more.

Discount Games
A useful catalog site that lets you search through many different categories of games. Choose
your favorites, then load them into a shopping cart and purchase them through an online
commerce connection. Search by manufacturer, release date, or type of game.

The Gaming Grid
Arcadia's home offers information about some of the most popular computer adventures
available, including "Duke Nukem 3D," "Wing Commander IV," and "Wizardry Gold." Also,
click around to get facts about the company and some observations on pop culture.

This site for 3D action gamers bills itself as the "new home for DoomGate." It links you with
game files, documentation, game discussion forums and FAQ's about DoomGate.

Gamesmania Database
A powerful search engine makes this site very helpful This site allows you to search for your
favorite game's Web listing by name or by category. It's a great way to find important tips or

Perhaps the most complete gaming hub on the Web, GameSpot takes a great-looking home
page and adds links with facts, hints and links to every game you could wish for: adventure,
military, space, fantasy, sports, you name it.

America Online's member service GameTown hits the Web, and though it takes a while to
load, it's worth the wait. Clearly marked links give you plenty of hints, links and reviews of all
the hottest games.

GT Interactive's site is an example of some of the finest Web page design you'll find
anywhere...and full of information about some of the coolest games around. Links to
products like "Final Doom" and "Quake" make this site a winner.

Id Software
This site starts out asking you to "please mind the corpses," and that's good advice in this
dark spot that reeks of the occult. Venture inside and find juicy facts about Quake and a lot

Pathfinder Games
One of the leading news and information services on the Web, Pathfinder also acts as an
entertainment resource. The results are as good as you'd expect, with lots of game
information and links to sites for games like "Bad Day on the Midway" and "The Dark Eye."

PC Game Finder
This great utility page allows you to search for a specific game by genre, helping you locate
downloadable software or ordering information. Search under action, adventure, combat,
sports and more.

Play It Again Mac
Cleverly designed to look like a Macintosh dialog box, this site features links to Macintosh
games, divided into 18 categories, along with utilities and other useful goodies.

Shogun's Lair
A simple site, but one that offers many of the hottest computer games for download.
"Warcraft 2," "Quake," "Betrayal at Krondor" and many more.

Snacky Pete's Text Adventure Archive
At least someone hasn't forgotten about the joys of simple text-based games. This index lists
all the major games on the web with a description, and gives you the links to download them
easily. Games
This is a game center for users of Win 95, providing strategy games, card games, simulation
games, and so on. Download and submit shareware, access virtual servers, and get the latest
gaming news.

Home Video Games

Activision Home Page
One of the veterans of the electronic game wars, Activision's site has splashy graphics and
plenty of news about eagerly awaited products such as MechWarrior 2 and Time

Atari's Jag Soft
Atari is the granddaddy of all the electronic game producers. This site, cleverly named
"Jagwire," gives you access to information about a host of Atari's interactive media games,
including combat, adventure, flying and role-playing titles.

Namco-The Official Web Site
Enjoy the funky Japanimation graphics and learn about this company's arcade games,
playstation games, game museum and the company itself.

Nintendo Hallway
The other monster player in the playstation video game wars lets you into a virtual hallway on
its site, complete with realistic doors leading to the product lab, the newsroom, and
corporate headquarters. All this and games, too. A great site.

Playmates Interactive Entertainment
Look at this company's games for the Sega Saturn and Sony playstations, as well as PC
CD-ROM. Find out about such games as "Burning Road" and "VMX Racing."

Sega Online
Go figure, the king of home video games has a high-powered site that lets users download
fun goodies and order all the games. You also get access to Sega News, the Sega Channel,
and you can even find out about available jobs!

Sony Playstation Homepage
As you'd expect from the gaming giant, the Sony Playstation page looks great. It also links
you to the Arena, where you can search for current games, games soon to hit the market, or
search by game category.


CH Products Gaming Gear
A great-looking site for the naval aviator in us all. This is a site dedicated to hardcore flight
simulation gaming, with links to pages full of information about flight game software,
joysticks, foot pedals and more.

Studio 3DO
Learn all about the 3DO format in this site, which does more than give you information about
such 3DO games as "Battle Sport," and "BladeForce." You can also learn a lot about 3DO
and its advances.

Thrustmaster Showcase
This site features a wide variety of accessories that can be used with many types of computer
games. Steering wheels for driving games, joysticks, control pads and more are highlighted.

A site filled with 'tude and designed with an industrial, Gen-X palette, Velocity gives users
access to Internet resources like chat plug-ins, game downloads, "digital bailing wire," and a
lot more. Pick and choose and make the site your own.

Online Games

Aries Online Games
A prime online gaming site which advertises games in real time. Jack into "Air Warrior,"
"Harpoon," poker and other classic games, all played online. You can also get information
about how you can develop your own online game.

Caissa's Web
This simple site allows you to play games against other chess players anywhere in the world,
in real-time. In addition to playing live games, Caissa's Web offers you the opportunity to
watch live games in progress, play correspondence games, and much more.

Multi-Player Games Network
MPG-Net is a 24-hour online multi-player game service, and this site gives you access to all
the information you need to see the games, register, and begin playing.

NewType Gaming Online
Here you'll find a very interactive site which serves as a hub for online and downloadable
games. You'll find a download station, codes, tournament information, reviews and more.

TEN Home Mainframe
TEN stands for "The Entertainment Network," and this site is the home of TEN's online
multi-player gaming service. Register for the "Duke Nukem" level design contest or dive into
this evocative site and learn more about how to play multi-player games.

Virtual Vegas Net Casino
From the makers of the popular Virtual Vegas CD-ROMs, this site allows you to gamble
online with "VV Bucks." Play poker, blackjack, craps, roulette, and even slot machines.


Computer Gaming World
The online version of the popular magazine features game reviews, news about developments
in the gaming industry, cheats and downloads, and plenty of information.

Enemy Lock On!
Not a game, but a magazine dedicated to fans of military flightsim games around the world.
At this site, find out about the magazine, read back issues, get a list of flightsim related links,
and learn how to become a subscriber.

Inside Mac Games Magazine
The publication for Macintosh gamers comes to the Web. Read back issues, learn how to
get free stuff, give feedback to the editors and subscribe if you're so inclined.

Next Generation Online
One of the hipper computer gaming 'zines on the newsstand, Next Generation makes its
presence felt online with this hyperactive site. Find it all-game reviews, game industry jobs,
techno updates, links, and more.

PC Gamer Online

Role Playing Games

Adventurer's Guild Online
A very nicely designed online store for fantasy role playing gamers. You'll find links to RPG
sites and you can order supplies ranging from miniatures to updated character sheets.

Games Workshop
Games Workshop is devoted primarily to fantasy role playing games, and its site reflects that
focus with its information on "Warhammer," its section on the company's magazine White
Dwarf, and its line of adventure game miniatures.

Here's SSI!
Strategic Simulations, Inc.'s site gives you lists of product lines for the well-known fantasy
role playing game producer. You can also download demos, shop and order software, and
find out about new products coming out soon.

ICE Online
Iron Crown Enterprises, makers of the Middle Earth Role Playing game among others, offers
plenty of information on this site, including info about its Rolemaster gaming system, dates of
game conventions, and new product bulletins.

Steve Jackson Games
The home site for the game company responsible for bringing you the Generic Universal Role
Playing System (GURPS), as well as role-players "Ogre," "Car Wars," and "Toon."

Tolkein's Games
For hardcore fans of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, here's a directory site that lists most of
the available games based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkein. Search by game company,
category, release date, and so on.

TSR Info Page
This temporary site is your info source while the final TSR, Inc. site is under construction.
You can still learn all about the makers of Dungeons & Dragons, including how to submit
ideas to the company and their new product line.

White Wolf Home Page
The home site for the company which creates the white-hot World of Darkness role-playing
games, including "Vampire: the Masquerade," and "Werewolf: the Apocalypse."


Digital Nightmare Freeware
At this site, you can access downloadable versions of a wide range of colorful 3D rendered
games. "Noname 1" and "Crash" are just two examples of the available freeware.

Download Games Now!
A no-nonsense name for a no-nonsense site. This spot cares about little but offering a huge
number of demo and complete games for download. One of the better sites of this type in
that it gives you technical advice as well.

Dr. Shareware
The doctor is least if you want to download software. This site is a central hub for
downloading a huge array of software. If you proceed to the Games page, you'll find links to
war games, company demos, adventure games and a lot more.

The Father of Shareware
Sit a spell in this relaxed, fun site and learn about the history of shareware from Jim Knopf.
Enjoy links to shareware sites, shareware historical information, and pages about shareware

Happy Puppy
It's a silly name, but a great game site. Happy Puppy is one of the premier game download
sites on the Web, with everything from demos of "Exile 2" to player guides for "Quake." You
can also seek the wisdom of Lord Soth, access a wealth of patches and software tips, and
much more.

This fun site is a shareware paradise, where you can download a dizzying variety of office
utilities, desktop publishing software, hobby-related applications...and games.

Mac Game Gate
A center of fantasy, adventure, strategy and other games for the Macintosh. You'll also find
hacking tips, utilities, magazine links and plenty of other Mac gaming resources.

Software For All!
A chicken in every pot...and shareware in every hard drive? This link index can take you to
demo pages, game home pages, and plenty of game pages we haven't even thought of yet.

The Zone
The Zone is a site for a two dimensional inertial space arcade game. You can download this
Macintosh game from the site and learn more about DAPPsoft, the Italian company that
made it all possible.

Tips & Cheats

The Cheat Page
Shamelessly named, the Cheat Page is exactly that: a site set up to provide easy access to a
broad range of game clues and codes. You'll also find help links and other resources.

The Code Page
The gaming underground strikes back! The Code Page is a center for anyone looking for
secret codes to crack the puzzles and problems built into some of today's most popular
games, including "Alone in the Dark," "Dig," and "Earthworm Jim."

Clockwork Games Page
This site links you to a complete list of tricks and workarounds for every major home video
game platform: Sega Genesis, Saturn Nintendo, 3DO, Playstation, and more. Non-home
video entertainment addicts need not apply!

Shaggy's Cool Video Tips
The background's a little rough on the retinas, but this help site is very simple and makes it
easy to get hints for a wide range of games from the self-styled guru of home playstation
video games.

Traditional Games

The Ballgame
Welcome to the world of paintball! This popular live action combat game has sites all over
the Web, and this one helps introduce users to the game, as well as providing facts about
guns, ammo and the best playing fields.

This site is a source for downloading the Beggar's Backgammon Terminal, which allows you
to access the First Internet Backgammon Server (FIBS). This is a graphical interface which
lets you play your game on an on screen board.
Fans of the immensely popular game "Magic: the Gathering" as well as other similar games
will love this hub site, which also contains information about the "Star Wars" card game and a
message board where you can post notes to other card gamers.

The Game Room
Outfit your basement playroom with this site, which features a complete selection of billiards
equipment, darts and dartboards, family board games, and more.
Billing itself as a "nice, ruthless, money-hungry Web site," this spot promotes the successful
Monopoly CD-ROM. Learn everything you always wanted to know about history's most
popular board game.

US Chess Online
Learn everything you've always wanted to know about the game of kings on the Web. Find
out about ongoing events like the World Chess Olympiad and learn about the U.S. Chess