Tony Silva



Interview - March 2001

by Kelly

***All photos lifted (with Tony's permission) from The Official Savannah Site***

"Wow!" was all I could say to myself when I stumbled on Savannah's website last month. Always on the lookout for new bands, I am usually not inspired by much of what I find on the web. But once in a great, great while a band comes along that keeps the fire for music burning in my blood. This was one of those times.

A good, original melodic rock band is extremely hard to find these days. Savannah was like finding a long lost friend. Their music is very much their own, with some comparisons being drawn to such groups as Journey and Stryper. Heavy harmonies, beautiful music, and straight up rock and roll are what Savannah is all about. I recently interviewed (over e-mail) Savannah's drummer, Tony Silva. Read on to learn more about the band, and the man behind the kit...

Kelly: Being a huge melodic rock fan stuck in a world of rap-core music, finding your band was like seeing an oasis in the desert! I only wish I had found you guys sooner. How long has Savannah been together and how much have I missed?

Tony: Thank you for your kind words. We have been together for almost 5 years of blood sweat and tears. I would have to say what you've missed are the Z Rock fests in England. We were welcome with open arms and so many people knew who we were, it was so amazing and we can't thank them enough for it.

K: Describe your sound for those who have not been fortunate enough to find you yet.

T: All I can say is that it's "Savannah Style," It's hard to say, we've been compared to Journey and new Bon Jovi. We have a melodic rock sound and some songs have pinches of blues, classical and country.

K: What bands are the most major influences for the band and for you, personally?

T: Growing up in our generation, 70's and 80's music was a big influence on us. Today there are a lot of new bands as well from different type of music that are also an influence. For me personally, Bon Jovi is a huge influence. When I first saw them in '88 I was totally amazed on how perfect and professional they were. Even today, to survive and kick the crap out of a lot of music that has come and gone through the past decade, deserves a standing ovation.

K: I know you are probably very sick of answering this question, and I hate to ask it, but I have spread the word about Savannah and I get one question a lot – where did the name come from?

T: Haha, I have no problem answering that. When we were trying to come up with a name for the band, we were all rambling off a bunch of names and when this one popped up, we all thought it sounded cool and fit the mood of music we do.

K: As a drummer yourself, what other drummers influence you most and why?

T: Well, as you ask in a future question, Tico Torres and Scott Rockenfield are my favorites as well as Mick Brown, Alex Van Halen, Rod Morgenstien, Rick Allen, Blas Elias, there are a lot that influence me. They all have there own style which I pick up on and kind of combine them to make my own.

K: Michael Sweet, former vocalist for Stryper, produced your latest album, "Forever’s Come and Gone." How did this come about?

T: We were doing some preproduction at Mixed Emotions Studio and Kenny Lewis, the engineer told us that he worked with Michael. After we had a few tracks down and were listening, we see Kenny on the phone and holding it up to the speaker. We were all saying "what is he doing?" He then said that it was Michael and he was interested in producing some bands and he liked what he heard. After we met, discussed the album and then started recording.

K: Savannah has been compared to everyone from Stryper to Journey to Tyketto. I can see where people get that from, however I think you definitely have your own sound. How accurate are these comparisons, in your opinion? Does it bother you to be compared to other bands?

T: You can hear a little influence from some of those bands and we consider it an honor to even be considered "being in comparison to." It doesn't bother us at all.

K: On your latest album the song "Back Against the Wall" reminds me a lot of Tyketto, while retaining Savannah’s own sound. I know former Tyketto singer Danny Vaughn’s new band, Vaughn, is on the same record label (Z-Records) as Savannah. Have you ever met him and has he ever heard your material?

T: We just played together in England at Z Rock 2000. He is a real nice guy and we have him on video kick'n back and listening to our set. I'd have to say that his whole band is pretty cool and very talented. We look forward to the day that we can play together again.

K: In your personal bio on the Savannah site, it states you are influenced by Bon Jovi, along with some other bands. I also read an interview where you stated that Bon Jovi was the reason you decided to do music for a living. As a huge fan of Bon Jovi, I have to say that it is very refreshing to hear a guy admit that they are an amazing band! What is your opinion of Bon Jovi today and, in particular, their new album Crush?

T: Bon Jovi are as great as they ever were today and I think CRUSH is a great album. As I stated earlier they are amazing. Yup, I'm a guy and my favorite band is Bon Jovi and I don't see any reason for anyone to be afraid of saying who their favorite band is. You'd be surprised at some of the people you see that you never thought you would at some different concerts.

K: What was it back in the day that made you realize what your future would be?

T: Back in the day-----that's funny! I always wanted to play music all my life and can't think of anything else I would rather do. I work hard at it and always keep trying to better my career.

K: Did you really appear in Playgirl magazine? If so, how did that happen (did it have something to do with the band)? And what were the reasons you decided to go for it?

T: Yes, I did. I won the "Real Men Of The Month" contest and if anyone must know, it's the February '94 issue. It had nothing to do with the band but it may have helped with sales. A lot of people still mention it that just come up to me-----like you are asking, haha! I heard that it sold out in my home town! I tried it out because I heard of someone that was going to do it and I was like, "Hell if he can do it so can I." Needless to say, he never got in. I'm not trying to sound like an ego maniac because I am very far from that.


K: Which do you prefer (and why):

K: Playing drums or posing naked (hey, it was the logical next question, right)?

T: How about both at the same time?! Playing drums is the definite answer.

K: Playing live or making an album?

T: I love making albums but there is nothing like the rush of playing live.

K: Beer or wine?

T: Either or, it doesn't matter to me.

K: Tico Torres or Scott Rockenfield?

T: This is the hardest to answer, how about a tie? They are both different players and I love both of their playing. They're my boys!

K: "Runaway" or "It’s My Life" (Bon Jovi songs)?

T: "It's My Life" is the winner but I still like "Runaway."


K: What is your favorite Kool-Aid flavor?

T: Cherry

K: What does Tony Silva do for fun outside of the band?

T: Interviews of course, haha! I like to watch WWF wrestling. There isn't much I like doing aside from music.

K: Favorite color? Movie? Book? TV Show?

T: Blue. Star Wars Trilogy. TV Guide. WWF Wrestling.

K: Favorite Actor/Actress?

T: Don't have any favorites in this category.

K: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

T: A Lion of course, they're kings of the jungle!

K: If you could meet any musician, living or dead, who would it be and why?

T: I think we already know the answer to this one, all of Bon Jovi.

K: Back to Savannah for a sec, do you have any touring plans? For instance, will you be coming to upstate NY anytime soon?

T: It would be nice, we are trying to work something out with a few agents.

K: Finally, do you have any Tony Silva words of wisdom for us to part with?

T: The same I tell everyone, when it comes to music or anything in this world, don't go with the flavor of the month, go with your heart and don't feel afraid to say what you like. Oh yeah, and BUY MY ALBUM!

Where Do I Go from Here?

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