The Big Red Freakout 2002!

This is a little story about early February in Troy, NY. It's the story of a pep band, a nerd school called RPI, and a hockey team with heart (and some incredibly hot players). It all started around noon on Saturday, February 9, 2002. On the second floor of the Union, a lasagna/face painting party was taking place:

Here's Brian and Justin:
Brian Sell Justin Becker
And here's Mark and Mike:
Mark Doherty Mike Sell
And last, but not least, are James and Tim:
James Sattler, aka Tex Timmy!

And all of them...

Justin, Brian, Chris, James, and Mike

Don't forget Andrea and Mark:'s Andrea and Mark!

This is also a story about another upstate New York school and hockey team, which is so upstate that it's practically in Canada. This hockey team's name is Clarkson. And they suck...see?:

One Minute...


Brian with the drum

The RPI fans joined in in informing Clarkson that they sucked, in case they were confused:

I'm Dumb, Lazy, and Fat, and I go to Clarkson

Then the teams took the ice for the warm-ups. Here's some RPI players taking shots


Ok, so then the game started. The fans were pretty fired up at first. Then Clarkson scored. Then they scored again. And again. And there wasn't much rejoicing...

A somewhat unhappy team

One of the key players for the RPI team was a man named Nate Marsters. Nate rocks. And Lea, who was unable to be at the game, frequently yells that she loves Nate. When Lea cannot be at the game, Brian yells that Julie loves Nate. So these next four pictures in the story are for Lea, Brian, and Julie (and Nate): Yeah Nate!

Julie loves you!

You rock!

Ok, we're really not THAT scary

So, going into the second intermission, the score was 3-0 Clarkson. It wasn't looking good for our boys from RPI. Spirits were down and the Clarkson Sucks signs were up. But we tried to get our spirits back up...with strippers!

Kathy got stuck in her shirt

Nick and Kathy

Ok, so coming into the third period, RPI wasn't too happy. But about seven minutes in, a local boy named Marc Cavosie finally scored, giving us something to cheer about...


And of course it wouldn't be hockey without a fight...

Chris Migliore brings it!

Then Jim Henkel scored about 8 minutes later. Which made the RPI fans very happy. So here we are, with about 1 minute left in the third period, and the score is 3-2 and Clarkson is winning (but they still suck). There's a faceoff at the faceoff circle by the Clarkson goalie (who also sucks). RPI pulls their goalie (it's ok Nate, you still rock!), wins the faceoff, Marc Cavosie gets the puck, and SCORE!!!!

GO RPI!!!!!

So the game goes into overtime. The cheerleaders end up on stage with the pep band... Yeah band!

Hi Sonia

And about a minute and a half into overtime, a young Canadian named Carson Butterwick gets the puck, moves in, and....SCORE!!! RPI WINS THE GAME!!!!

Chris was happy we won

What an end to four great years of RPI hockey. This was the best Freakout! ever!

Thanks guys!!!

And the moral of the story is...