
by Jolanta C. Biniek

This poem (which sometimes follows no rhyme-scheme at all), I wrote as if Hyena was questioning the teddy-bear (Basil) Cassy got for Luse after he got captured + tortured. Same bear that acted as the judge for the prisoner Luse shot full of Cocoa-drug.

Basil the bear,
my basil-y bear,
a tiny stuffed bear, the stuff of nightmare.
charmed by my spell,
speak bear! and tell...

I have witnessed a love.
raw in blood,
slick with sweat,
sick with hope.

I have witnessed a fear.
for the loss,
of one held,
close and dear.

I have witnessed a dream.
thick with fog,
drugged and bound,
left to scream.

I've heard of suicide-blood.
spilled in haste,
mixed with dust.

I have witnessed revenge.
death for death,
until love,
is avenged.

Basil the bear,
my basil-y bear,
a tiny stuffed bear,
the stuff of nightmare.
As once i conjured,
now i abjure.

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