To Catch an Assassin- Part Two

by Willow

Emerald strolled down the street happily. The day was improving. She'd been right about the gold necklace. It had sold for a bundle. She had enough to live off of for a month at least, if she was careful, and all the holes in her ears now held a gold hoop apeice, that she could sell if times got tough again. Em sighed. Which they probably would, especially if her father and husband got a wind of this. She walked into a bar and sat down, unstrapping her sword and putting it down on the counter in front of her, then leaning her head on her hands and telling the bartender:

"I'm not picky. As long as it's very strong, and gets here very quick."

He had to take a second look at her to see if she was serious. One look in her blue-green eyes told him she was very serious.

Damn it all to hell, she groaned. If I don't get drunk quick, I'm gonna have a full blown flashback. She could feel herself slipping now.

Her father had arranged the marriage. Thought it would keep her out of trouble, and other people's wallets and houses. After all, he was a well respected member of the community, barely short of being a lord, so his daughter's habits of, as he called it, "static kleptomania," were not exactly what he wanted. And what he said about her psychotic tendencies was very little. Just the right amount of money in the right places, when it was someone who mattered. It comes from inbreeding, thought Emerald. He's not exactly right in the head either. So in order to keep her out of trouble, her father married her to a very powerful mage. He'd doped her out of her mind first, of course, and rushed a rigged wedding. When she woke up, she would have killed them both if it hadn't been for one thing: Her husband was sadistic, with strange sexual habits, often having to do with inflicted injuries. She couldn't get loose for almost a week. By the time she did, Emerald had decided that reputation ruining would be better, and for now, escape would be enough.

Emerald was shocked to awakeness as the bartender put the glass down. She looked at it doubtfully. It looked like a white wine of some sort. Em glared up at him.

"I assume there is a reason for this?"

"It's what you wanted," he said, and walked away to tend someone at the other end of the bar. She picked up the glass, which in her opinion was too small, and examined it doubtfully. A skurl of a memory edged in her head, and she tossed back the entire glass. Her mind reeled. "Whoa," she said. That glass alone would stave off any memories. Maybe she should drink something else now. "Oooh...." The strawbery blonde set her head down on top of her folded arms. A moment later, a soft snore came from inside her.

"Who1s that?" the dark haired man asked.

"Don't know," the bartender replied. "She came in, asked for the strongest stuff I had, so I gave it to her. I'm surprised she didn't fall over as soon as it hit her mouth."

"Huhhhh," the man said, eyeing the plump pouch that hung on the young elf's belt. The thief slowly crept down the bar, and after a few moments of sitting next to her, and verifying that she was still asleep, he reached for her pouch. And found his hand crushed in a steady grip. He looked up and saw a pair of slighty blood shot, clear blue-green eyes.

"I 'sume," the elf said, her ears at steady attention, "you've got a good reason fur having yur hand on my pouch." Her voice was slurred slighty, and considering how much everclear she'd just knocked back about ten minutes beforehand, it was a wonder she could talk coherently at all. "No? leggo." She twisted his hand backward, away from her pouch. He dragged her forward and off balance.

Oh shit! Emerald thought as she tumbled forward, meeting the floor face first. I should know better than to pick a fight when I1m drunk. She crawled back to her feet.

"Wh' don'tcha just leave me alone?" she inquired, then barely dodged a fist aimed for her face. "HEY!" She drew one booted foot up and kicked him in the stomach. He coughed, and made a small noise ofair being let out suddenly.

Crow, Emerald thought. That should have broke something inside. I'm drunker than I thought. She looked up at the much taller man, as he grinned and cracked his knuckles. Then she got her eye blacked, her pouch torn off her belt, and was sent tumbling.

The landing was strangely soft, seeing as she'd been headed for a table. Emerald looked up at the elf whose lap she'd landed in. "'Scuze me," she muttered, standing up. "Not my fault." Her eyes narrowed, and she stalked across the room, as the dark haired man started to leave. She reached up and put a hand on his sholder. "where do ya think you're goin?" He turned around and gave her a disbelieving look. She grabbed the front of his tunic, hauled down, and punched him the face four times in rapid succession. Then someone grabbed her arm before she could punch him again. Glancing over her sholder, she saw another man, who at least to her, screamed thief!. She let go of the first thief's shirt, and reached backwards, pulling the other one forward by his hair. The she twisted, pivoted on her toes, and sent her second opponent flying across the room. Adrenalin filled her bloodstream, eradicating the last bits of drunkenness. She turned and kicked her attacker in the ribs, twice, and was gratified to hear snapping bones. Then Em reclaimed her sword from where she'd lain it on the bar when she'd sat down. As was frequently the case, when a small scuffle broke out, it erupted into pandemoniom. The bar filled with flying blows. The elvin girl, haveing taken her pouch back from the first thief, retreated to a corner table top to think over rejoining the fray for the hell of it. She pulled her haversack around and dropped her broken purse into it, then after a moment, noticed someone sitting at the table she was kneeling on.

"Oh, hello," she said plesantly. She looked back out into the fight. Then she looked back. "Hey, I know you," she smiled. "I landed in your lap." She noticed he was watching the fight with roughly the same expression she had. He then looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. Emerald jumped off the table and took the seat across from him. "My name is Emerald Balme. Sorry about landing on you." The elf raised his eyebrows, and stared at her extended hand. Then he took the cigarrete out of his mouth and shook it. "Lusiphur Malaché."

She smiled pleasantly, and looked out over the fight. "Pleased to meet you."

"Yeah, charmed," Lusiphur muttered. Who the fuck was this chick? He knew he'd never met her or seen her before. And she was being pleasant and cheerful, even though the guy she'd punched hadn't gotten up yet and was breathing funny. If she wasn't so cheerful, he thought he might like her a lot. Then he took a second look at her, and marveled at the lack of skin showing. Most chicks wore bare minimum, especially the women he knew, and this girl was covered practically from head to toe. The only skin that was showing was her sholders, and two cut out patches on her hips. On her right hand were three rings, all big and bright looking. On her left hand Emerald was wearing a punching glove, so it looked like she was left handed. But her sword was also on her left, so it was hard to tell.

Then his atention was drawn back to her hands. She was pulling things out of nowhere and putting them on the table, including a charm he'd seen around her second assailant's neck. "Any thief that bad," she said under her breath, "deserves what he gets." She turned back to the fight, ignoring the pile of loose change, amulets, earrings, and three small knives that lay on the table. She scratched just below her right ear. "Well, life isn't a spectator sport." She turned and gave Lusiphur a smile. "Nice meeting you, maybe I'll see you around some time." With that she leapt into the barfight, and proceeded to bust skulls in a very professional manner, all the time with a crazy-bright smile on her face.

Hours later, Emerald went back out onto the streets. She was covered in bruises, and a small slash just above her left cheekbone, and to boot, had been kicked out of the bar, but had enjoyied herself immensely. Ah, violence! she thought to herself. Is there anything it won't cure? She walked merrily down the street, and was suddenly grabbed and hauled backwards by someone in an alley. She found herself slammed against a wall and sitting down.

"Crap," she muttered, and looked up. "Look, what do you want?"

"I'm here to discuss your actions earlier this evening," a tall man with dark brown hair said.

"Do tell," Emerald said drolly, starting to stand up. The man's slightly shorter and lighter haired assocate pushed her back down.

"That's alright, stay sitting, I don't mind."

Emerald frowned. "No thanks, I've been sitting all night.2"

"No, we know what you've been doing. You killed a man who worked for my employer."

"Then perhaps he should employ thieves with more brains," she said, raising one eyebrow and giving that glittering mad-woman smile.

"Well if just so happens, I think I may have found one." He looked at her pointedly.

"So you think beating me up will get me to work for you?" She laughed. "Get real."

"No, that won't. But I do know one thing that will, Emily Bålmi."

Crow! thought Em. She looked up and saw a ledge above her. She looked back at the two men. "I have no idea what you1re talking about," she said. From her sprawed sitting position, she sprung upward, and grasped the ledge, kicking both men in the face. As she began to haul herself onto the ledge, she felt something grab her ankle. The lighter haired man had her leg, and was pulling. From the looks of things, his nose was broken by her initial attack. She started kicking again, raining his face with sharp blows from her steel toed boots. Emerald loosed one hand to reach inside her pants leg, and pulled out a dagger, weighted for throwing. The dagger found its way into the man's throat with deadly accuracy. She hauled herself onto the ledge and sped away, crawling quickly to the roof tops, where she could move faster.

At last she stopped, and panted, trying to regain her breath. Damn. she thought. Someone knows who I am. She looked out across the city. The east was beginning to lighten, but only barely. She turned and began looking for a way down. Suddenly a flash of color caught her eye and she looked up.

And almost puked.

"Oh God," she said. "If anyone was ever a victim of the fashion plague!"

The purple clad figure turned and looked at her. The figure was male, in what appeared to be bikini briefs, if not a g-string, with hairy legs and a hat that was just far to big. All in purple.

"NYAR!!" it screamed and bounded across the roof ledges towards her.

Emerald raised her eye brows. "I don1t even want to know." She drew her gun and fired as the figure leapt over an alley, cloak streaming. It hit him, cutting off a battle cry in mid "Nyar!" The purple clad male figure fell screaming to the alley below. Emerald went on her way, not even bothering to check, or caring if the strange little man was still alive. Faintly, from the alley, came the weak cry of "Nyar...."

Days later...

Emerald was still looking for an "in". Not that she particularly cared if the stupid dectectives caught an assassin or not, just that she thought it would be a pretty good way to get a steady job. Her past few days had been less than boring, becase she had two more run ins with the dark haired man who knew who she really was. The red-blond was tired of running, and running out of bars, and money. She collapsed in an alley, resting her head on her hands, as she realized that there was a very familar feeling overtaking her. She started to stand up, then slumped back down. Her mind was elsewhere.

"Help!" screamed a little girl. "Let me go!" A lash came from nowhere and cracked her, hard. "I didn't do it!!"

"Bullshit, you little whore!" came a male voice, and then the lash again. "I know you did. You took it!"

"I didn't, Daddy!" screamed the girl. "Honest I didn't!"

"LIAR!" Another crack of the whip, and the girl screamed.

A bigger girl sits trembling behind a curtain, eyes wide with fear. "She's been at it again," the male voice came.

"At what?" a female, slightly matronly voice asked.

"Stealing. This time she almost got caught, and a servant ended up dead."

"Your father was a thief as well, you know..."

"Shut up- he wasn't!" The girl cranes her eyes shut as the elder woman screams.

A crowd fades in and out of the mists. A ring. A male face, thin, dark haired and arisoctatic. A bed. The face, smiling cruelly. The ring, now on a girl's finger. The ring changes into a manacle, chaining her. Then a taloned glove, raking down her side. And someone grabbed her shoulder harshly....

Lusiphur leapt back, as Emerald whirled, knife out, eyes screwed shut. "EEEAHHHH!" she screamed. "No more! Death to you!" She crouched down, eyes still screwed shut, tears streaming out, knife clutched fiercely. "DEATH TO ALL OF YOU!" Then she gasped and her eyes opened, shining bright and crazy.

"Good morning," she said. Lusiphur gave her a highly skeptical look, suprised.

"You just tried to kill me," he said, calmly.

"I did?" she asked lightly, sheathing her dagger. "You came upon me in a bad moment," the short elvin girl said, looking up at his face. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." The dark haired elf thoght of something to say, but decidd to keep his mouth shut. This chick is out of her mind, he thought, then remembered the flashing blade an inch from his face. And very good.

"So," said Emerald. "Want a drink?"


"Th' way I see it," Emerald said, hands folded over her mug, "is that you're in this to cast off the fluffy-bunny elvin image that we've somehow got stuck with."

"Don't kno' why we have," mutterd Lusiphur, refilling his mug.

"I'm in this 'cause there never was a fluffy bunny image in my life." She shuddered. "N' I got good at violence at a very young age."

"How young?"

Emerald rubbed her eyes, and tossed back the rest of her mug, then reached for the pitcher. "Very young."

"I know that one," Lusiphur muttered. He was fairly drunk at this point. They'd been sitting quietly at the back of the bar, for hours, and he was no longer sure how much alcohol he had consumed.

"So violence is, you kno', fun!" she continued. "I mean gettin' drunk is jus' a way to help keep the sanity I got, and I, well, don't really like guys, so I mean, wha's left but violence?"

"Thas sad," Luse said, yawning. "I guess, you're right, I'm not sure I understand tho'."

Emerald took another drink, and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling. "Well, ya kno', I don't either." She heaved a great sigh, and rested her face upright on her hands, elbows on the table. The wrapped braids on either side of her face looped up over her hands. She looked like a little kid. Lusiphur yawned and drained his cup again. He was then fairly dismayed to discover the pitcher was empty, and drew forth a bottle of whisky. Emerald raised her eyebrows.

"I mus' be drunk," she said. "Tha' looks good."

"I mus' be too," Lusiphur agreed. "Have some."

Later still..... "Th' other night," Em said conspiratorially, "I saw this really ugly dweeb in purple underwear."

Lusiphur groaned. "That creepy little limp-wristed wimp-shit."

Emerald's cloudy eyes brightened, and her ears, which had been slightly cock-set, went back to a semblance of their normal place. "You kno' 'im?" she asked.

"Not really." Lusiphur said, waving his hand back and forth in the air. "He thinks women are evil, and must be destroyed."

"Would 'splain the lavender panties, tho'." Emerald nodded. "Anyhoo, he started running at me, so I shot 'im."

"Good for you!" Lusiphur nodded back. "Wish I'd gott'n him first."

"Wish I'd bothered to make sure he was dead," sighed the young woman. "I feel like I've left a job half done." She shrugged. "Still, he must be alive, 'cause that would h've made it into the papers." She looked off into the distance and gestured about with her hands "Half-Clothed Purple Manic Found Dead! The Fashion World Rejoices!"

Lusiphur lowered his head into his folded arms and giggled madly. He liked that thought. Em hiccuped, and attempted to stand.

"I'm gonna be so hung over in th' morning." Lusiphur was still giggling, picturing a purple coffin, and dancing on the little bugger1's grave. "Heh, heh, heh." The darkhaired elf suddenly sat up and brushed his hair back "Wha's going on?"

"You're drunk, Luse-ef-hic!" Emerald giggled and put a hand over her mouth.

"I knew that!" he said, eyes sharp under his unruly bangs. "I thought I heard something!"

Emerald looked around sneakily. "I dunno, I don't see anythin'."

Lusiphur slowly lowered his head back onto his folded arms. Then Em looked up.

"Oh. Hello."

The darkhaired man looked down at her in disgust.

"Well then," the man said, "this should make getting your cooperation easier."

"How do you figure?" Em said, looking at him sideways.

"On your current inebriated state, Emily."

Unsteadly, Emerald reached for the bottle and refilled her glass, draining it. "If ya don' mind my askin', wha' do ya want me for anyway?"

"Why, to replace those you killed," the dark man said, settling down into another chair at their table.

"If tha' was wha' you wanted, you wouldn't be callin' me Emily, would you?" She yawned.

"How do you know?" asked the man. "How better to ensure loyalty from a master, than to get a little good blackmail?"

Emerald rubbed her eyes. "Here," she said, pushing the mug towards him. "Have a drink. Let's talk." The dark man took up the cup and drank. Em folded her hands under her chin. "So you want me to steal for you?"

"Not quite. I want you to kill for me."

"And you feel comfortable discussing this in front of him?" Emerald gestured at Lusiphur.

"He's drunk. He couldn't find his ass with two hands and a map right now." As if to prove a point, a loud snore came from behind Lusiphur's arms. Emerald began to giggle uncontrolably. She pointed at the dark man.

"Say goodnight!" she giggled, and the man collasped face first on the table. Lusiphur instatly sat up, looking aware. "What did you do, Em?"

Emerald stood up, stretched leisurely and grabbed Lusiphur's hand, heading for the door. "My friend has agreed to pay our bill!" she called to the bartender. "But he can't hold his liquor, you'd better wait till he wakes up on his own!" The bartender nodded, as Emerald pulled Lusiphur out into the night.

"Alright, wha' did you do!?!" the dark elf demanded. Em held up her right hand, and ran one of her fingers over the stone of one of her rings, then flipped her hand over. The inner part of the band had slid open, revealing a small compartment.

"A poison ring?" Lusiphur said, eyebrow raising, confused.

"Uh-huh. Finest quality. Good poison too. Isn't poison, 'less taken in alcohol, and then you fall asleep and don't wake up." She paused and looked at Luse sideways."You ever see someone who was 'lergic to alcohol?"


"Well, if they look, it'll look like he was.' She spread her fingers. "When the barkeep goes to see if he's all right, he'll find the jerk face down in his own congealing vomit, dead as a lich."

"So you're a thief?" Emerald nodded.

"UH-huh. Klepto-hic-maniac." She grinned. "Good at it too." Rubbed her head. "Now to bed. Tha' stuff gives you a wicked hangover." She stopped and dashed over to an alley and puked her guts up. After dry heaving for a few moments, she looked up to see Lusiphur stadning there looking startled. "And'll make even elves puke." She wiped her mouth. "I can get you some, if you1re into that subtle stuff."

Lusiphur smiled. "Nahh. I'm more into the gratuitous violence."

Emerald smiled back. "I like you," she said. "Believe me, that's harder than it might seem."

She started walking down the street. "Maybe I'll see you some other time, Lusiphur." She turned around and smiled. "Maybe you could help me find a better job?"

"Nahhh," Lusiphur said, shrugging, and the two went off in opposite directions.

Later that night...

Lusiphur opened his eyes to see a very familiar blackness. Aw, crow, Lusiphur thought.

"Oh to sleep the sleep of the dead drunk," came a voice that was also distressingly familiar. Lusiphur turned around and saw the little undead clown that lived in his head.

"I1m seeing way too much of you."

Parintachin grinned. "You think it's a field day for me, Luse? You are one of the most stubborn, pig headed people, excuse me, elves, I've ever seen."

Lusiphur groaned and turned away.

"Aww come on," laughed the jester-hatted man. "One might almost think you didn't like me--" He broke off as Lusiphur turned and glared at him. "Besides, it's just as well you're down here, because about one level up is a dream you1d rather not be having."

"Huh. Anything would be better than you."

Par smiled. "Oh I don't know. The subconscious sees more than the conscious knows." He smiled wryly. "Would you really want to see her-" he pointed at a blankness that resloved itself into Emerald- "in your bed- even if it was a dream?"

"Better that than you," Lusiphur muttered, lighting a cigarette.

"You sure?" Par asked. "Didn't you wonder why she dresses so funny?" The image pivoted, now dressed in a more contemporary outfit. Most of her body was covered in scars. Her face, her shoulders and her hips were the only thing that escaped the carnage. "And if you think her body is messed up- whoohoo!" Par grinned. "Geez, she makes people who write fan fiction look sane."

Lusiphur was, to say the least a little surprised. Then he frowned. "Wait a second. How do you know all this?"

"You wound me," Par said, looking offended. "Surely by now you'd've learned to trust me on principle." He grinned. "After all I'm right so frequently." Lusiphur glared at him. "Then again, look at who I'm dealing with." He shook his head. "I said that the subconscious sees more than the conscious right? So, by that token, I know." He shook his head again, as Lusiphur raised his eyebrows in a skeptical look. "Why do I even bother?"

"Yeah. Why do you?"

Par looked pained. "I see you're bent on being as obstinate as ever." He faded away to the darkness, which gradually faded out to a graveyard. And Luse was sitting on a violet toubstone with the inscription "Nyar no more."

To be continued.......

Posion Elves is © Drew Hayes. I'm not violating it, I'm just playing with it. Any similarly to persons living or dead is purely a symptom of paranoia or an over inflated ego. Or of course, I could be doing it on purpose. You'll never know.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

To Catch An Assassin- Index

Email Willow at