by Jolanta C. Biniek
you know the song "to all the girls i've loved before"? you know, by Willie Nelson?
(dedicated to all guards, security, cops and Mary's meter-maid)
to all the guards i've killed before
who'd shout while breaking down my door
"police, now quietly come along"
i dedicate this song
to all the guards i've killed before.
to all the guards i had to maim
who screamed and whimpered in their pain
to those who licked my boot
and those i had to shoot
to all the all the guards i've killed before.
to all the guards i'd always hear
make fun of my long elvin ears
you changed me for the worse
i dedicate this verse
to all the all the guards i've killed before.
to all the lousy small-town cops
who bothered me in bars and shops
while i was buying bread
i'm glad your finally dead
to all the all the guards i've killed before.
for all the shit you ever gave
i do a mambo on your grave
to all the lazy shits
and lousy hypocrites
to all the all the guards i've killed before.
to all the guards who gave me hell
who first harassed then wished me well
your all a bloody pain
i dedicate this refrain
to all the all the guards i've killed before.