The Veil of Darkness- Part One

by Cy

"That fuckin elf is dead!" It was the only sound heard over the ensuing riot. Suddenly, as if someone had turned on a light, the entire bar broke into a free for all, with a lone, dark haired elf standing against daunting odds.

His name is Lusiphur Malache; and this is just another typical afternoon. For most people, a typical evening consists of the sun setting, crickets chirping, and the merchants shacking up at the nearest local inn. Not Luse.

And in the bar, a typical night is a setting of cards, ale, and townsfolk drowning their sorrows. Yet tonight's not a typical night. Tonight a fat human is trying to jump a muscular, yet agile elf of considerable dexterity. The fat guy throws a slow, drunken punch at Luse's head, which is quickly dodged to his right. Out of the corner of his eye, Luse saw fat boy's friend, some lanky guy with a goblet. He quickly ducks under the incoming goblet. Luse sets himself to strike as he brandishes a silver knife and squints his eyes in preparation. Just as he is about to strike...

"Halt! Cease this violence now!" belted another Elf. This elf, who looked nearly 4 inches taller than Luse, was donning articulate leather armor and an engraved scimitar which was charcoal. Luse stopped a second to look at the Elf and mumbled under his breath.

"What is the meaning of this!" demanded the Elf at the door. He was looking at the fat man. "Grym, I want an answer." The fat man quickly came to his sense and dropped the chair he was holding.

"Ma-ma-master Lokanna... we.. uhh.. .well my lord, we had no idea you'd be here, and well.. This Elf was antagonizing me and Dyson, saying we wuz fat and whimpy lookin' and well.." he stammered before Lokanna cut him off.

"Grym, you know the Guard will handle all disputes like this. Now you and Dyson go before I haul you in for disturbing the peace." he made a quick motion to the door with his head. The two men quickly composed themselves, threw a glare at Luse, and went off as instructed. The other patrons merely watched in awe as Lokanna and two unknown figures in half-plate armor filled the doorway. By now Luse had sheathed his knife conspicuously, figuring this was the local law and all.

"You, Elf. Your name?" demanded Lokanna, his eyes coming to rest on Luse.

"Name's Lusiphur." retorted Luse, in a contemptuous voice.

"Lusiphur, is it? And do you have a last name?"

"Just Lusiphur.." Luse responded with a smile, clearly enjoying this confrontation.

Suddenly, a human burst from between the two guards of Lokanna with a look of great surprise on his face.

"LUSE!! I'm here buddy! WHERE ARE THEY? I GOT YOUR BACK! WHERE.....are.....they?" suddenly, a sword was in one of the guardsmen's hand and a centimeter away from the human's neck.

"Crow Fleece..." Luse shook his head and covered his face.

"Ahh.. so your friend has a name? And a quick wit about him too. A few more words, and he'd be drinking his own blood," spoke Lokanna, in a vile, deep voice. Luse looked up to him, his hair covering his right eye, a look of grave seriousness over his face. No longer was this fun, it was beginning to get personal.

"Funny.. I had that same thought about you." spoke Luse, in a short, low voice. Lokanna smiled slightly and motioned for the guard to put Fleece next to Luse. Fleece came over and regrouped, his sword in his hand.

"You both are under arrest. Resistance will only get you killed. If you doubt my abilities, or that of the Guard, then test my patience and see for yourself. Otherwise, come quietly and meet The Judge." ordered Lokanna. Fleece looked at Luse, who never took an eye off of Lokanna.

"We'll meet your 'Judge', but don't expect we'll be coming without arms." said Luse. Fleece's face turned bleach white.

"LUSE! You poor excuse for a sober elf! What the hell do you mean we'll see the JUDGE?! Don't you remember what happened the LAST time we did this?" belted Fleece. All inklings of his combat posture were lost in sheer disbelief.

"Of course Lusiphur. Where you're headed, you'll be need your arms." replied Lokanna as the two guards moved closer to Luse and Fleece. Luse looked at one as he ordered them to follow "Lord Lokanna". Luse complied, his curiosity was getting the better of him this time. Fleece, however, gaped in amazement as they walked out of the bar.

Yes, a typical night in Alluria didn't include the Guard coming to town. Nor did it include two strangers showing the leader disrespect. All things gathered, is anything typical?

End Part One

Part One

The Veil of Darkness- Index

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