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* A Note: This page is NOT dedicated to the tons of wonderful people who have visited My Mikey Page, and have left me with nothing but great comments and compliments. No, this page is dedicated to those few individuals, and you know who you are, who have nothing better to do with their time but to insult, harrass, or criticize someone else's work! Because I have had it, up to here, with these certain (and possibly future) individuals, I have decided to put up this list of what I consider proper "netiquet" when visiting someone's site. Thank you.

I. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing at all!

II. Try to remember that the owners of the sites you visit have put an enormous amount of time and effort into their pages.

III. If it's so easy to criticize a site, then put up your own darn page, and see how easy it is to maintain one.

IV. Imagine how you'd like it if someone insults YOUR work!

V. There is "constructive criticism", and then there is just downright "rudeness". Try to know the difference.

VI. "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you"

VII. If you are so disgusted with a site then why bother looking through the rest of the pages? Just L-E-A-V-E, and go somewhere that won't be as offensive to your delicate sensibilities!

VIII. *This is in regards to pages similar to mine either depicting a sports figure or team* If you are a fan of another team, show that you have some class, and don't spend your time surfing an opposing team/player's page, with the sole purpose of saying something derogatory about that team or that person in the guestbook. Because guess what? The person who owns the website in question 1) Will not really care what you think 2) Your comments will not keep said person from continuing to like said athlete or team and 3) It makes you look like a complete fool to the website owner.

IX. Do not presume to think you "know" a person just because of the content of their site because, odds are, you will be wrong. "Presumptions are what usually get a body into trouble!"

The following are two prime examples of what I mean:

Miss stand on her soap box #1

Mike is a good catcher and a great hitter. I love to watch him swing a bat whenever he comes to play the Phillies. He is very handsome and probably a nice guy. But the pedestal you have placed him on is a bit much, don't you think. Remember, he is just a man who happens to play one of my favorite sports - baseball. I think we have lost all prespective when we idolize sports players. If we really knew what they do off the field we may not like them very much. As far as all these women willing to marry a man without getting to know him, get real! Stop dreaming and get a life. He may be a jerk with a lot of money! Just ask a few divorced sports' wives what they thought they were getting into by marrying a sports hero!

At the time I did not even bother to answer this one, however I will do so now. No Duh! Okay? Of course I don't know who the "real" Mike Piazza is. The only things I know is what I have either read, or heard from others. Don't presume to think that I am some flake who flips over a great body and a pretty face. Don't insult my intelligence! I would like to think that I have a hell of alot more in my head than cotton fluff. And by leaving this in my guestbook, the only impression this particular person left me about them is that they either A) Is one of those women wanting to marry a "sports hero" and none of them have taken her up on her offer, or B) Some have taken her up on her offer, but said adios the next morning.

Miss stand on her soap box #2

You personally really scare me and I feel afraid for Mike Piazza's life..and I'm not even really a fan. Don't you have something better to do? I mean baseball's a great game and he's good looking and he's good at what he does but don't you think you're a little obsessive? I personally feel ashamed for you..and I don't even know you. Based on what you're saying you're reducing him to nothing more than a pretty face. What kind of respect for another human being is that? Especially for one whom you claim to "love." Thanks for listening...GO YANKS PS His name is Mike, or Micheal, not MIKEY.

This one I had no choice but to respond to, mainly because Miss Thang here all but accused me of being some psycho stalker! So I felt I had to put her in her place! The following is a letter I e-mailed her, in which she never responded because she probably knew I was right! A side note first: I make a certain comment in regards to "Yankee" fans, I made this comment in direct reference to HER, and not to any other Yankee fans, I personally know quite a few Yankee fans that I have either met over the net, or those that I've know for years, and they are some of the best people I could hope to know. My comment was nothing personal to Yankee fans in general.

My response to Miss Thang

In response to what you wrote in my guestbook, first off I would like to say...didn't your mother ever teach you that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Well this applies here. As to your other comments, everything I put on that page is tongue-and-cheek, you know HAHA...obviously you don't have much of a sense of humor, or you would have picked up on that little fact, as everyone else who has visited my page has. Thirdly, I do not, and I have never claimed to "love" Piazza, no where on my page do you find that comment. As some other Piazza pages by other women I have seen I might add. Fourthly, once again a Yankee's fan has shown me the class they have, which is none, and makes me glad that I am not one! That's all you Yankee fans do, come onto Mets sites and have to stink it up with your gloating Go Yanks. Don't YOU have something better to do? And lastly, if you want to get specific his name is Michael Joseph Piazza!!!!!! PS- I am not some nutso obsessed fan who stalks him and knows everything he does 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. Personally, most of the time I could care less, so you don't have to "fear for his life" as you so glibly put it. And I don't really care if you are ashamed for me or not, since I don't know you, don't care to know you, and the only opinions that matter to me come from the ones I care about.

These are MY opionions solely and I know that some of you may not agree with all of them, and that is fine, but I felt this page was needed on my site. Most of the time I ignore small-minded comments from small-minded people, but there are times when you must address them, and this is one of them. Thanks to the rest of you who know better than to insult someone without knowing them first. Major props to you whoever you are!


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