My Adoptions

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While wandering through mysterious places, these little critters followed me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen. They were all alone, without parents, so I had to take them to live in my balcony! Treat them with care, please. Most of them are linked back to their adoption agency if you would like to take home a brother or sister!

Mrs. Moon's Adoption Agency
This little Flibbergibber was crying out to have a home when I found him all alone in outer space.

Tyler Turtle, Morris Monkey, and Freddie Frog
Pocket Pals

Madame Alto's Cat House

Sam looked so sad and lonely that I couldn't resist taking him home with me.

Meet Grumpy Bear,
He was adopted on

Adopt your own Care Bear at:

Animal Palace

My Cuties
cutiefactory cutie factory cutiefactory cutie factory cutie factory cutie factory cutie factory

back to the balcony
