Custom Cartoon Dolls by LadyJuliet

<xmp> <body> </xmp> These are some of the custom dolls that I have made. Each of the dolls on this page were specifically requested by someone who wanted their doll to look a certain way. All of these dolls were made by me using The Palace and Paint Shop Pro.

1. You must have a personal web page.
2. One doll per person.
3. You must link back to me. Feel free to use one of these banners.

To request a doll, all you have to do is completely fill out this form and click Submit. I will get your doll to you as soon as possible. Check out the dolls below to see which one you want! If you want a custom doll, just give me a detailed description of what she should look like in the comment box.


Your name:

Email address:

Web address where your doll will be:

Which doll would you like?

Any comments?



Blonde Twinz
Meg's Doll
Alicia's Doll
Angel to Devil
Jennie's Doll
Angel to Devil 2
Sarah's Doll
Melanie's Doll

* = looks best on dark or black background

All dolls on this page are
© 2003 LadyJuliet
All Rights Reserved

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