LadyJuliet's Faerie Realm

~*~Fae Inspired Words~*~
~*~The Story of Etain~*~
~*~I'm an Aries~*~
to the balcony

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Please be patient while my friends prepare themselves for public eyes. Their magic is worth your wait. Place your cursor over each faerie to see which of them are willing to guide you to another magical land...

faeries are seen not with the eyes but with the heart

If you have a faerie related web site that you would like me to link, or faerie graphics of any kind, please feel free to e-mail them to me for submission. Put "FAE SUBMISSION" in the Subject line.

Feel free to link to my page, but please upload and use this banner on your site. Don't link directly from my page. You can link the banner to

Thank You!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Grenadahd...A place so wonderful, it could only exist in dreams.

The fairy world is the source of magic - a place of timelessness and infinite being, of everywhere and always. It borders on all worlds and has access to all. Corridors pass through it, linking the worlds without.
-Terry Brooks

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever.
-Carl Sagan

show a friend my site
get this gear!

Mud Puddle Frog adopted from Soleil Software and Kid's Domain

Laura's Guardians
~Gaurdian of faeries~

Preserve Mother Earth!
Please click on my friend. She will show you the way the keep the faeries alive!

Today is
Created 1998
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