Matt Blake

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With a heart of furious fancies
Whereof I am commander,
With a brining spear and a horse of air,
To the wilderness I wander.
With a knight of ghosts and shadows
I summoned am to tourney,
Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end--
Methinks it is no journey.

Three Losses, And Only
One Gained Back

When I was very small,
I lost three important things,
One was a relative,
One was a friend,
And one was my security.

I lost the only Grandma I knew,
It was very tough,
I loved her with every inch of my heart,
I was getting used to life without her,
Until I had my second heartbreak.

To some she was just a neighbor,
But to me she was way much more,
She gave em candy for chores,
But when she left for good,
Candy was the last thing on my mind.

Although they were important,
I lost a more important thing,
I had no security in life,
Or in this case death.

I wouldn't leave my mommy's side,
I thought she might leave me too,
I wouldn't go to school or play,
Or have fun at all,
These events were so devastating,
I couldn't live myself.

One day I decided to tough it out,
Or my mommy did it for me,
And went back to school that day,
And when I came home to my surprise,
My mommy was there waiting.

Ever since then I learned to trust,
God's master plan,
Sometimes they just have to go,
And leave you with your face in your hands.

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