The Unforgiven

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In a castle of pain
On a world of hate
I sat on my throne of sorrow.
On a highway of flame
I pass through Death's gate
Knowing that there's no tomorrow.
I've now finished the game,
Cold and lonely I wait
For time to stop it's painful crawl.
There's now nothing to gain,
I've surrendered to fate,
And now I feel nothing at all.
Deep in the pit of regret
The festering sorrow
The unyielding darkness
Caught by an invisible net
The pain that binds
The black heart knows
The despair grows
Dark blood flows
From pierced veins
I wrap myself in shadows
To become free of the pain
Cut by a blade made of anger
Assailed by nightmares
Betrayed by the lie
They've come to bear witness
And watch me die
Embraced by the spector of doom
Dragged into darkness
Where madness looms
In the blood-drenched room
Of a killer's dream
Red eyes through the shadows
That make it seem
Like the black secrets
Of my heart
Are laid out to be seen.
Who banished me here,
Deep within the void of lost souls,
To whither in denial
And the bitterness of one who's left alone.

A betrayal,
A warm embrace,
A dagger in the ribs.
A betrayal for which
There is no defense.

Who took me in
And then destroyed me,
Burned my soul,
And shattered my dreams of glass.

I bleed so that you may live,
Never I take, always I give.
The mirthless laughter of your soul
Shatters me and makes you whole.
Black heart scars more freely than steel,
And each grim lash from it I feel.
You rule supreme over my dark life,
Fraught with misery, pain, and strife.
But can you hear broken words within?
Crumbling mountains of your sin.
Black robes
Dark eyes
I hear
All lies
Try to cheat me
And you'll see
What it means
To never be free
Heartless laughter
Soulless tears
I know
Your deepest fears
You can't beat me
At this game
I'm called Death
What's your name?
Farewell and goodnight,
I can't stand it any longer.
Darkness imprisoning me,
The painful shadows constricting,
Squeezing and crushing the lifeblood from me.
I laugh in the face of death,
I laugh in the face of life.
I'll beat them all at their own games.
You and everyone else won't know
About my final agonized victories.
I beat death to the mark,
He lost the race.
I thwart life's attempts to bring me back.
I don't need your love,
I don't need your pity,
I don't need your compassion.
I know what's real,
And love is not.
The shattered remnants of a broken life
Cut my feet,
Cut my arms,
Cut my face.
I know what's real,
And pain is.
With a curse for those responsible
For what I've become,
I bid you all
Farewell and goodnight.
You closed the door,
Locked me away in a cage.
I stand in the darkness,
Awaiting the freedom that will never come.
Hope from my heart
Has been extinguished,
Replaced with midnight and obsidian.
Despair, anguish and hate
Burn in the hearth
Where happiness was once held.
Listen now, you with the heart of coal.
Hear my last bitter words of defeat.
I may die this night,
But keep close the things I tell you.
Your time shall soon come,
And when you die
I'll be waiting at the gates of Hades,
And I'll be laughing.
You take what you cannot earn,
You burn what you cannot take.
All my life I've stood in the shadow
Of anger, despair, frustration.
Your uncaring ways have earned you naught,
I'll neither forget nor forgive
What you did to me.
The rage burns hot within my heart,
Yet was subdued by the greater within yours.
This night I lay at your feet all the harm you've inflicted,
All the pain you've caused,
All the anger you've unleashed upon me.
This night, I pay it back tenfold.
This night, I cast the shadow.
Inside the future of a shattered past,
Hopes are broken like a pane of glass.
Darkness descends as the shadows call,
And onto deaf ears did my cries fall.
I don't know much but I know you can't help
Save me from the wasted, save me from myself.
Nothing matters now, I near the end.
I shall ignore what help you send,
I can remember when I used to try
To dare to live but to live is to die.
Your smile, it warms my heart
Your beauty, it clouds my mind
But what would I do
Just to touch you?
Phantom angels dance above
Singing sweet songs of love
My hand passes through
When I try to touch you
The fires of heaven come
The blaze engulfs me where I stand
But the flames, they recede
When I move to touch you
I look deep into your eyes
Deep blue hues like the sky
I've walked the depths of Hell
But I've gone insane because I can't touch you

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