Julian St. 'Cloud

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Hold me! into the midnight.
Keep me within your embrace until we
see the morning light.
And when the sun comes up, I shall see it
within your eyes.
Then I shall know that within you, true beauty lies.
Do not be uncalm, let only joy unbound in
your heart.
Don't even think of what was.
Just think of what is to become with
your heart.
Our souls are ancient, yet we are thought
to be naive.
Few would accept the truence of your
heart, yet I accept it and there shall be
the start.
I am humbled by your presence yet
my soul is born of the most noble and ancient
of races.
Beauty is the key to your existance, and
all bliss ends with you.
Blissfully Seduced
You have put a spell on me
Search my enchanted eyes as I lie
within your arms.
Bequeth to me all you are and all
that you know.
Open your heart to me so I may know
who you are.
Let me comfort you as I would be
your guiding star.
I am blessed even to utter words to you for
how beautiful you may be.
The oceans are aflow in your heart, the oceans
of passion.
I want to be within you, I want to be the
beat of life within you.
Now rest your head upon my chest, so I may be forever blessed.
A man can say how much he loves a woman.
But love is only found in the hearts of those
who truly believe in its existance.
Now it is the time for me to gaze into your
eyes and utter words.
Let me utter the words of my deepest devotion to you.
Now shall I let the rush of sensuality enfold
my entire being.
You are the sensuality within me.
You are the constant thoughts of my mind.
The never ending passion of my heart's blissful
My heart is open to you, feel every beat
of my love for you.
You bloom like the flowers in the midmorning
spring sunlight.
The soothing sounds of your ''calm'' scream
to me with joy.
Will we ever have our moment alone for you
are so worshipped, divinly, your incomprehensible existance.
Once upon the ancient skies there was born a being
of unsurpassed power and magick.
The earth was still a child in the
days of the birth of the Old Ones.
This being commanded much, treasuries, empires
across the stars.
Feared even by the mighty dragons.
Beasts of magnificence.
The savouring of another's death was
all he knew.
Yet in all the centuries of chaos, she
was to come.
The tranquilitty and serenity of
his soul.
She soothed the essence of his
chaotic being.
She brought the emotions of humanity
to his heart.
It was she whom he so dearly loved.
Their hands were locked eternally
A destined tragedy they were to be.
She was vanquished by the sword of
A deathless old one, his forsworn enemy.
Now was the end of his peaceful tranquility.
Vengeance would be his.
In rage he slew his forsworn enemy.
The taste of sweet revenge upon his lips.
Those eyes so black glowed with the
brilliance of night.
He was never to be the same again.
He lost the other half of his being entirely.
She was his heaven.
A kiss she would place upon his lips.
A kiss of the joys of endless bliss.
Now he knows nothing.
The magick, The divinity, the power is locked away.
They are locked away within the dark embers of chaos.
After her slaying he began to wander.
He wanders endlessly in search of his souls brevity.
His love for her is endless.
Once he found her love, upon the land of the endless sands.
That day of reunion, the heavens resound with praise.
The praise for the rekindling of the flame of their eternal love.
Yet it would be for naught for they were to be cursed with the
gift of mortality.
They would search endlessly forever, for one another over millenia.
Time and time again they would experince rebirth, reincarnation!
This is the price for loving another.
This is the price to pay for wanting of the path of chaos and disorder.
Oft he wonders to himself upon things of immortal understanding.
Why does the eternal mother play games with his being?
He cannot comprehend the righteousness of mortality.
He is stubborn he shall not relent.
For if immortality be the sacifice then so be it.
For it is she he searches for, beckoning to her in thought and word.
The love of a godlike being.
Now I know that our love is dead.
This I must accept for my heart is bled.
My heart wept tears of lingering sadness.
I now that your soul hath passed unto the heavens.
But lo! I cannot accept. Do not die, but stay by my side forever!
I would rather not weep.
The only tears I wish to cry are the tears of endless loving joy.
I shall remember the closeness which we once shared, a love of deep
But now, all is gone.
My heart is no more of you for you are by my side no more.
Why does the sadness of one's heart speak often at the wrong moments.
Gazing up into the night I think on thee, for my heart yearns for thy
A beauty appears to me often within the morning light.
That light, which is the stars within your eyes.
Your eyes are so lovely to me, for they speak of love eternally.
With affection do your eyes smile upon my contenance.
Bound by the shackles of my own sadness, I cannot move, I am eternally
I bow my head my eyes are dead.
Dead and cold for our love has fortold of doom.
I shall accept that you are gone

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