Miraya Shaitan

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I stare into the empty glass
With a few drops collecting in the bottom
And the faint scent of gin in the air
Clouding all around me
Choking the life out of me
Smothering all the good and holy people of this god-forsaken world
But I don't care
Because someday I will die
And finally find peace

The long, weblike cracks of a broken mirror
Look like fingers and reach out to me
They distort my reflection, change my face
Like pieces of a puzzle that don't quite fit
Thousands of lifeless eyes stare at me, eyes that used to shine with hope
Now, with the experience of time, are shedding tears of blood
Deep red lips curved in an evil smile
Have tasted the delights of the flesh
And spoke words of seduction
Are now twisted in surprise and pain
Blood flows out an open mouth
And trickles down the neck
A man, dressed in black, pulls out a dagger, walks over to her, slashes her wrists
As the blood spills out, he catches it in a chalice
And drinks her to death
It came so suddenly
My body was wracked with pain
The pain of betrayal
But it only lasted for an instant
It was over so swiftly, I wasn't quite sure it was ever there
It was
I could smell it, taste it, devour it, and yet, understand it
But I will never fear it
Suspicious minds probe the thoughts of simple mortals
And find a newly-cleaned slate, stained with blood
They shouldn't have heard what shouldn't have passed through your lips, crossed your thoughts
One shouldn't speak of another's unavoidable ignorance, while their own is much greater
For minds that shouldn't have heard, did
And will not forget

My visions of you were beautiful
The dreams we shared, untouchable
You tasted so sweet and so pure
Of our perfect love, I was sure

An angel bringing sheer delight
And tranquility during the cruel night
You were a man of serenity true
The only one who offered me peace was you

I had created our charming, blissful life
Adamantly blind to the sight of your knife
A hazy veil of love I wore
Never suspecting you'd make me a whore

I lifted my veil, and what did I see?
Deceit, corruption and malignity
And as the truth came to pass
So shattered my paradise of glass
(untitled II)
An ode to my angel...
Tears unshed
Build up inside
Coarse through my veins
Poison my soul
Where are you now?
Why can't I let you go?
Throw caution to the wind
Send me to Heaven
Keep me in Hell
Leave me to my desolation
A wasted life
A pound of flesh
Turn my eyes to stone
Wrap my heart in strings of gold
Strings of promises
Promises and lies
Drugs my only salvation
Return to me
Love me
Hate me
Take pride in my demise
Now, I cry for you.

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