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When I look into your eyes
I see the sun, moon, and stars
I feel as though I am one with you
I hunger for your love like the cat hungers the mouse
I want to be a part of you
I want to feel your touch upon my delicate flesh
I want to feel your heartbeat next to mine
to become one with you would be a gift from the heavens
I feel as though we are so far apart
if only you could see what I see
feel what I feel
so close, yet so far apart

As you hold me in your arms,
all my fears go away
no one can hurt me
I am safe
I am with you
Hold me in your arms.
Don't ever let go
Promise you won't ever let go
I want to be the one you dream about
I want to be the one you think about
I would give up every day of my life
If I could have just one night with you
You are with me every night
In my dreams
In my thoughts
In every waking moment of every day
you are with me
and I love it
your words are like candy to me, so sweet
There has never been a man, or anyone at all
that has moved me like you do
In a world full of hate, there is love
I smile to myself,
for that love is you
It burns through your soul
It tugs at your heart
It messes with your mind
What is it?
such a simple word, love
yet it has so many meanings
Have you ever loved another?
have you ever awakened and all you could think about was them?
I have.
It's you
I love you
every part of you
Love can move mountains, I've heard
but can it move you?
Do you feel this way too?
If only there was a way to find out
you fill the emptiness in my soul
you fill the blankness in my mind
I am filled with your presense
I am full of you
and I love it
Every second of every day
I am thinking of you
and I hope you're thinking of me too.

As I sit here alone
I think of you
minutes pass
yet my mind still thinks of you
your sweetness
never ending
your kindness
If only I could
see you
feel you
become you
I want to be lulled to sleep
by the sound of your voice
I want to wake up with the warmth of your body next to mine
I want to be sheltered in your arms,
yet I cannot
Is it just a fantasy
or could it be reality?
am I scribbling these words for nothing
or do they actually mean something
Do you feel what I feel
my heart aches for your kind words
talk to me
never leave me
be with me always
and our love will be
the time
for you
to arrive
silently watching
everything about you
where are you going
what did you say
like a mother
I watch you
I worry
are you ok
how was your day
simple words
complex meanings
do you really love me
do I make you happy
or do you feel trapped
no way ouy
if you must go
tell me
I'll understand
if I don't make you happy
but sad
tell me what you're thinking...
about me?
I hope
probably not-
the game was on
oh well
I'll just lie here some more
and think about
our good times
and bad times
and look into my future
do I see you
you're with someone else
now I have nothing
I don't have you
Don't leave me
stay with me
I will love you
in sickness and in health
I love you

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