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Somewhere on this Earth,
She is dwelling,
My love, my life.

Her hair smells
Like the rays of the Goddess' Love,
Her eyes shift colours
With the sound of the seasons.

She is adrift,
Just like me,
She is searching,
Searching for her lost one.

Thousands of years,
Thousands of years we have already spent together,
And thousands more will follow,
We are bonded for eternity.

Every time, each new life
Starts with the search,
The search for one another,
Where is she, where is my love?

Is she near,
Is she far?
Oh look at the sweet smell of her skin,
Ravel yourself in the brightness of her touch.

It can take a year,
Maybe five, maybe ten,
Time will tell,
But we are destined,

Destined to find one another,
Each time again.
I miss her, I need her,
I crave her.

Oh Goddess sweet,
Help me in my search,
Aid me,
Learn me of your ways again.

Teach me, guide me.
I'm older than trees,
And younger than the newborn baby,
I'm wise I knowing that I do not know.

I devote my life to you,
Every life again I pledge myself in your service.
So shall she,
We pledge ourselves in the truth of your virtue.

Together we are stronger,
For now we are learning,
Learning what we have to know,

Though, I sense,
Time is near to our meeting,
Once again we shall be united,
I can hear it in the fibres of my body.

Oh Goddess mine, Oh Lordship mine,
Marvel in our bonding once more.
Together again, we will reign,
As Queen and King.

We will teach the searching,
Those reaching out for the knowledge,
The Craft presumed lost,
Lost in the Dark Ages.

Though the Craft isn't lost,
It is fresh and new,
Ready to be discovered in one's self,
Nothing can be found, if you don't find it within you.

So has been told,
So it has always been,
But use it wisely,
Fool is he who abuses the power.

Mind the rule of three,
Everything has its worth
Send out,
And receive in threefold again.

So give,
Give plenty,
And receive the blessing
The blessing of the Goddess and the God,

And ever abide the Golden Rule,
An ye harm none, do as ye will.
This simple rule, and yet
So hard to live by.

Seeker of knowledge,
Do not take the path lightly,
The quest is hard, and lasts many lifetimes,
Yet the reward will be great.

Lady mine,
I feel your power,
Your presence,
Your beauty.

Come to me,
Let us be one again,
You are halve of the power,
Let us merge again

Let us become
Once more the Grey power
In this world,
Let our presence be felt.

We have been known under many names,
Many more will follow.
Seek me in this life
Under the name of


I'm the seeker of knowledge,
Searching my powers,
But I need you my love,
To channel my energy.

I'm only a shadow of what can be
Balance is in me:
Male and Female are within me
As Light and Dark.

Balance in all things,
As is ordered by our Lord and Lady,
They who are One,
One like we have to become once more.

Call out my name,
Shout it on the wind,
Let the dolphins carry your voice to me
Let the eagles fly,

Let the Black Panther run,
Send your calls out in this world.
Don't despair my Love,
We will become one again,

With the Blessing of ONE.


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