Verlin Steele

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whirlwinds of rage swirling around
fires of hell no longer stay down
the death of a lifetime is coming to town
take your ride-your last ride-on the Merry Go Round

twisters of terror
hurricanes of hate
a disease undestroyed
becomes stronger by fate
the rain-like bullets-comes shooting down
and you can't escape
the Merry Go Round
the Horse of Life
goes up and down
but beware -that mare -makes an awful sound

the flesh tears
the blood spills
the pain roars forth
the Demons of Denial
fly to the North
where they spread destruction
to the East, West and South
dare not breathe through your nose or your mouth

the horse's nostrils flare
its eyes a mean red
it snorts the cry
of the wakeful dead
on its back you ride
your horrid life straight ahead
watch out! your heart! it's turning to lead

the thunder is loud
you clasp your hands to your ears
you taste the salt of your sweat
dripped from fear
you realize the end of your daydream is near
the reality of Nightdarkness has come
it's here

the Merry Go Round
now faster it goes
when will it stop?
are you never to know?
the horse goes up
but too fast it goes
back down..back down..
never slow

Merry Go Round
Ride of Hell
spinning around
in a ne'er do well
the good's not there
only the bad to tell
like living in infinity
in a circular shell

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