at eclipse in march 1999
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Name: Jen
Handles: Purple Bloody Mistress ~Metzli of ShockRock~
poopy~White Trash Bitch in SHOCK~
poopy*the babydoll that failed*
Friendly Nick Names: Nenny, Penny, Jen
Unfriendly Nick Names: Whore, Bitch, Slut, AnarchistWhore,
poopyGhost, MarilynMansonLook-a-Like
Lives: Stockholm, Sweden
Study?: no.
Work?: As much as I can to survive
Spare DayTime: Rehearse with my band,
poopychat on icq (uin: 16551129)
Spare NightTime: If not sleeping I´m probably hanging out at
poopysome club in Stockholm like Zombie Bar or Eclipse
Born: May 19, 1981
Religion: intressting. I like to read about astrology, wicca,
poopysatanism, buddihsm and more
Movies: Rocky Horror Picture Show, Natural Born Killers, Lost Highway, Love & A. 45,
poopyA Clockwork Orange, Hellraiser, Braindead, Bad Taste,
poopyMeet The Feebles, The Exorcist, Nightmare before Christmas
Reading: A Crowley, F Nitzche, H.P. Lovecraft, Silver RavenWolf,
poopyStephen King, Unni Drougge, Clive Barker,
poopyAnne Rice, Kathrine Ramsland
Music: Marilyn Manson, Gwar, Theatre of Tragedy, Coal Chamber,
poopyGenitorturers, iodine Jupiter, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath
Love: Reverend Jack
Hate: Too much to list here

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