.....This page is under heavily rebuilding.....

Pleaze visit my MM klan instead just click the banner and it will take you to wonderland...

MaRiLyN MaNsOn ArE;

TwiGGy RaMiRez - BaSs
MaRiLyN MaNsOn (Omega015) - VoCaLs
MaDoNNa WayNe GaCy - kEyBoaRd
GiNgEr FiSh - drRuMs
JoHN5 - LiVe gUiTaRsiST FoR Mechanical Animals

If you got any comments, ideas or whatever...e-mail it to me...

Read the first direct message from Manson´s website!

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MM´s TiPs FoR SuRviviNg ThE EnD TiMeS
TwiGGy RaMirEz´ ReCorD CoLLecTion

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SiGn ThE PuRpLe LuNcHbOx´ GueStBoOk


VieW The PuRpLe LuNcHbOx´ GueStBoOk

Purple Bloody Basement

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